Chapter Thirty- Four- Have to do what I'm told

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We're given the cue to pull forward in 30 seconds. We wait the 30 seconds, and pull into the arena; the cameras on us. Brock parks, takes the car keys out of the ignition, and walks over to my side of the car and opens my door. I get out, and put my 'acting face on'. He grabs my hand and intertwines my fingers with his. We walk to his dressing room, and he sits down; pulling me onto his lap.


I don't see why I have to be here, babe?


Because, you're with me. Plus, it's one week to SummerSlam. You know the crowd is going to want to see the future WWE World Heavyweight Champion.


(I run my hands through his thin marine haircut)

Don't get too cocky, babe...cockiness is often someone's downfall.


It won't be mine. Now, gimmie a kiss.

(as much as I hate it) I wrap my arms around his neck. He looks at me; smirking. He grabs the back of my neck and presses his lips to mine. I force myself to make out with him. He holds his hand on the back of my neck. We hear the crowd "oooo"-ing and cheering. When I try to break away, Brock deepens the kiss, pushing me down on the couch. He breaks away; stroking my hair. Then, Paul comes in; seeing Brock on top of me.


Am I interrupting something?


(clearing my throat)

No. Sorry. (as Brock gets off me) you wanted to talk to us?


Yes, mainly you. It's about Summerslam.


What about Summerslam?


Well, Brock wants you out in his corner...but, you are not allowed to talk except to cheer him on.


I- (crowd boo's) oh, I...

I look at Brock. He gives me the serious look. I bow my head.



Yes, sir.

Brock smirks; petting my hair like a dog.


Good girl. (to Paul) See Paul, what'd I tell you—she listens to her man.


That she does. (to me) So, what'll it be?


I'll do as I'm told.


'Atta girl! I'm glad you're so obedient.

I sheepishly smile. Paul hands me one of my dresses and I go to the bathroom to change into it. 

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now