Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hunter walks in. He asks us for an update; but (of course) we can't give him one. He sits down and for the next FOUR AND A HALF HOURS all of us wait...and wait....and wait....until a doctor with a white doctor jacket stained with a little bit of blood comes out of the Trauma Center.

==Hunter's Point of View==


Is anyone here for a Miss. Michelle Hickenbottom?

All thirteen of us in that waiting room stand up.


I just need the three people who are closest to her. Family or boyfriend or husband if she is married.

Everyone but Brock, myself, and Nick sit back down. The doctor has us move away from earshot of everyone else.


Well, Michelle was in very bad shape, her lower jaw was completely dislocated from her upper jaw, and we had call an emergency oral surgeon to do surgery to repair the damage; or it could have led to her having breathing and swallowing issues—in which case, she would have choked on her own saliva or suffocated to death. HOWEVER, she is stable now. I can allow two of you in at a time. She is just now waking up from the anesthesia we gave her. Are any of you her immediate family?

I step up, and then Nick.


I'm her uncle.


I'm her brother.


(to me)

What is your name?


I'm her uncle.... Hunter.


(to Nick)

And what is your name, sir?




Miss. Hickenbottom has been begging to see a man named "Nicky", so (he looks at Nick), I assume that is you. She also requested the presence of a Joseph Anoa'I, a Brie Garcia-Colace, and a Randy Orton...are they present?


Yes, in the waiting room.


After you all have seen her, you may send those four forward. But remember: two at a time. And she cannot talk because her jaw is wired shut, so she has to communicate through a talk-to-text speech app on her phone because she cannot move her jaw, or that trauma will cause her jaw to break, leading to a staph infection; which will kill her. Understood?

We all nod. Since I and Nick are the closest, we go first. We are directed to her room. When we enter it we see a nurse getting her something to drink...but she is only using a straw. The nurse sees us and nods.


Don't get too excited, dear...but you have to visitors. And remember- no talking

She nods, looking over at me. She rubs her jaw but smiles. I walk up to her and hug her; sighing in relief that she is okay (in a way). She pulls out her phone.


So, do you feel okay?

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

No, I feel like I went twelve UFC rounds in a two-on-one handicap match against Mike Tyson and Brock. I have never been in this much pain in my entire life—and I broke my ankle in three places cheerleading in high school.


Can you talk at least a smidge?

She smiles big for me, so I can see her jaw wired shut. I stroke her hair and kiss her forehead.


Oh, baby. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

Uncle Hunter, you don't have to apologize...this isn't your fault.


How long will you be like this?


Two to three weeks.


I'm guessing you don't want to go to SummerSlam now, do you?

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

Oh, quite the opposite. I want to go to SummerSlam now more than ever...because I know Brock's going to actually hurt him for real, and not for the cameras because of THIS....


Brock wants to see you.

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

Does he now?


Are you still mad at him?

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

Yeah, a little. I'll talk to him though.


Want me to go get him?

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

Actually—Nick, can you let me and my Uncle Hunter have some privacy? I need to discuss some business with him.


Sure. See you in a bit?

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

When Uncle Hunter goes to get Brock, you can come back in.


Okay, love you.

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

I love you too, Nicky.

Nick and the nurse leave.

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

I've been thinking about this whole....situation. Especially with John and Brock having a rivalry and me being Brock's girlfriend...this right here, (my dislocated jaw) could be an excellent addition to the story.


You want this to be aired out in front of the WWE Universe??

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

Why not? It'll up ratings, make the rivalry more believable, and views for the SummerSlam pay-per-view will be through the roof. Now that Cena has injured the one person Brock actually cares about...the animosity between the two will be even worse.


You are a smart girl, how do you want to intensify this? Do you want to give a big speech to Cena on the Monday Night RAW after you get your jaw un-wired?

Michelle (through the text-to-speech app):

I think that that will be a good idea. I'll come up with something to say, don't leave it up to corporate creative...their scripts lately have sucked, that's why I was improvising the past few weeks.


Yeah, they have been slacking off lately.

We keep talking, and then just spend a few minutes in silence. I'm glad my uncle is here for me, he is (in every sense of the word) my rock. I would never have become the strong, confident, tough person I am without his personal guidance throughout my entire life.

Eat, Sleep, Love, Repeat-a Brock Lesnar love storyWhere stories live. Discover now