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Little steps led the young master down the familiar beaten path of the woods he so often frequented. As soon as the clocks hands reflected that his studies were over, he had bolted from his classes like a bat out of hell. He was a fireball of energy and he was constantly in a state of distraction while learning the written language and practicing arithmetic, but under the shroud of forest is where he found his peace, his zen so to speak.

Out here, he was his own man. He fought one man battles against the many trees with swords made from their discarded limbs. He was a hero and a conquerer, a true force to be reckoned with. He went on adventures searching for buried treasure and hunting for the most prized game. In his solace, Caleb was king of all before him and an alpha to be reckoned with.

Caleb did not have the availability of children his own age to help occupy his time. In one aspect those children who lived within the orphanage had a benefit he did not. Unfortunately, this was what his status and future title afforded him. He wasn't afforded the luxury of such camaraderie as there had to be a clear separation between him and the others. He had to be held to a higher standard. He had to be comfortable with this isolation.

Like his father, he seemed to appreciate his solace. His alone time. However, unlike his father he did not require it for his own sanity. Caleb would have surely benefitted from mingling with others that were similar in age, but those cards were not on the table for him.

And fortunately for him, not all of his time in the forest was spent alone. Every now and then those piercing blue eyes of his grandfather would pop up, and they would spend time with one another. They worked together in building traps, sought out and identified different animal tracks and worked on survival skills within the woods. All the while they would talk about anything and everything.

Mostly Caleb would talk and Torstein would listen only to provide muted nods when necessary. Caleb would ramble on and on about his daily life. What everyone was up to, everyone meaning his father, Scarlett and himself. Torsteins opportunity to speak were that of little remarks here and there about appropriate responses to certain scenarios. These remarks came in frequently when Caleb would talk about Samuel and Scarlett together.

Occasionally Torstein would provide a lesson for the child, one that would always carry the same message, and that was of course of how one should always act with caution with the female sex. It was obvious to Caleb that his grandfather did not like women, and it was even more apparent that he absolutely did not like Scarlett. His grandfathers face would change and his demeanor was a bit more rough when she was brought up, but he never stopped Caleb from talking about her, he intently listened and only offered advice on how Caleb should act if faced with any of the mentioned scenarios.

The young child did not agree with his grandfathers suggestions or his rhetoric, it seemed cruel in his eyes, but he dared not say a word against it as his grandfather was not a man to be trifled with. The only bit of softness Torstein had in his body was afforded to Caleb but it was barely present and could easily be disturbed by even the slightest uttering against his word. So Caleb would listen and nod when appropriate, thoroughly record the word so that it could be repeated in rote memory fashion. Caleb knew what to do and say to please his grandfather and since he loved and adored his grandfather he played his role perfectly.

But despite their frequent meetings, Caleb had not been expecting to run into his grandfather on this day. Usually his grandfather would inform him when he was likely to be around for a visit, but on this day it was a surprise. Torstein did not pop up on Caleb, Caleb had popped up on him.

The young boy had entertained himself for the better part of an hour, on one of his solo adventures with todays mission being a ninja skulking about behind enemy lines. He had travelled deep into the woods, chasing elusive enemies and ducking and diving behind trees for cover. It came as a shock to him when he heard the gruff voice of his grandfather speaking in a low tone to several other males within close proximity.

"-and you'll have the guards change shifts?" Torstein questioned to the man with dark hair and dark eyes who was crouched down on the ground in front of a rudimentary map drawn with the stick in his hand.

"Yes, by Thursday they will be in rotation. The main pack house and the woods will be covered." The man nodded before dropping the stick on the ground and rising to a tall posture.

"What is your conversion rate?" Torstein questioned stiff with folded arms across his barrel chest.

"Without being able to visibly scout, I would say we have a generous group." The blonde man said, as his brown eyes reviewed the makeshift image in the dirt.  "What of the partnership?"

"That matter is handled as I said it would be." Torstein said with a stiff nod, and a look as if the question in itself was ridiculous.

"Then we are all s-" the brown haired main said before being cut off by the deep voice of Torstein who otherwise remained unmoving.

"What is my grandson doing eavesdropping?" Torstein questioned Caleb, only making a minor movement to stir the dirt before him with his foot before turning and looking at the little blue eyes peering at him from behind the bush.

"What are you doing here grandpa?" Caleb questioned as he looked inbetween Torstein and the two men. "Joseph? Tom?" Caleb questioned as he began to rise from his crouched position and taking note that the head of the guard and a lead warrior stood amongst him.

"Catching up." Torstein replied coolly before looking back to the men who had slightly widened eyes and were taking in the interaction between him and the young boy.

"You didn't tell me you were coming today." Caleb said back with almost a look of hurt as if he had been kept out of the secret.

"It was to be a surprise, of which you have ruined." The grandfather replied with a deep nod. "But fear not, as I have just finished with these two and you and I can be on our way. There are traps that need checking." He said as he walked forward without further word to the men.

"Oh yes! I hope we caught a fish!" Caleb said energetically as he went to keep pace with his grandfathers stride. "Bye Joseph! Bye Tom!" He said with only a quick look over his shoulder and an even quicker wave.

"Bye Caleb." The two men said in unison, very well concealing the absolute panic and sense of terror they both felt.

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