A Tribal Dance

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"Okay! Now, pay attention. This is your part!" Scarlett said after taking a sip of her second dirty Shirley Caleb had made, he insisting on it as he wanted to see her impressed with his bar tending skills again.

The movie had ended, and Samuel had still not returned. They had been left to their own devices, and so Scarlett put on a music channel that they could vibe out to and be silly together. When Caleb saw how well of a dancer she was, he became enthralled with the rhythmic dances particular to her old pack, and so she began to teach him.

"This dance is the mateship dance, the omegas and the warriors would put on a show, in a ceremony for a newly found and formed mateship." She balled her hands in fists and cocked her elbows to her side, before she thrusted her arms back and her hips forward simultaneously, jumping forward from firmly planted feet. "Try it!" She said after she showed him the singular move.

Caleb simulated her, but he jumped up instead of propelling his body forward and she paused him. "No, no. It's like a scoot, but your feet lift off the ground just a little. Like this." She repeated the action, and he immediately followed, getting it down. "Good! So you do this three times." She said, doing it exactly three times. "And then you puff up your chest, and broaden your shoulders, lifting your right foot off the ground but keeping your knee bent as you sweep it to the side and widen your stance. Your arms go up like this, elbows bent as if your praising the goddess, with thumbs and fingers pointing to the sky and held tightly together." She said as she did exactly the actions she was speaking to provide him an example. Caleb following her actions in suit. "And you rise your feet interchangeably for ten steps in place in a crouched stance." Her brown eyes watched him with a grin as he had a smile plastered on his face which would only slightly diminish with each falter. "Good! There is one more step, and then it repeats, but it requires me so pretend you just finished your last step on your right foot." She said walking over to him and standing close to his side with her right leg bent, her hip cocked to the left and her arms extended in the air slightly bent at the elbows with her head dipped back. "Now lift your left foot up and rotate on your heel, but keep your wide stance, when you land it on the ground, you will place your left hand right here on my hip." She said patting at her hip to show him exactly where, before she extended her arm back up in the pose. Caleb did as instructed perfectly, as she watched him over her shoulder. "Good! And then all the females do this." She said as her hips shifted up and down rhythmically at a rapid pace, requiring the use of the tight muscles in her stomach, as she spun around his frame. "While you lift your feet up and down in the same steps as before."

"And this is what your pack did for every mateship?" Caleb questioned, as he began to repeat his taught moves to perfection.

"Yup! They were really big on tradition." She said with hands on her hips and watching him. "You're doing great. What a little warrior you are."

"Alpha." He paused to correct her with a glare before he resumed.

"Oh, forgive me, Alpha Caleb." She said with a laugh depressing a hand to her chest as if she could not believe her forgetting such a thing. He only grinning back.

"You're forgiven." He said as he continued. "Let's do it all together." He quickly added, feeling as if he had his part down.

"Okay, but when you do this." She showed him again the part where the arms thrusted back and the hips moved forward. "You have to grunt. Like a deep warrior grunt. Like you're going to war. Like." She she gritted her teeth and utilized her diaphragm to pull out a deep grunt.

"That wasn't a grunt. That was weak." He said back as he did his own, where she feigned being blown away from the testosterone he was exuding.

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