Male Bonding

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It was 3:30am and Samuel could not sleep, he laid awake and stared at the ceiling as Scarlett's form laid tightly nestled at his side. Her once potent fragrance was dwindling with each passing moment, signaling that their time spent in the cottage was coming to an end. It was earlier than expected, and that reality both soothed and bothered him, at the same time.

He had looked forward to her heat, with great excitement, despite the bouts of unclarity that led up to it. However, her heat did not go according to plan. In fact, it went way to the left, and led to her upset and his lack of trust. Samuel was forced to accept the fact that she had marked him, and part of him was glad that she did, but another part of him was hammering into him to never drop his guard around her again. He was leaving this heat, even more conflicted with his mateship than he had been when he entered it. A clear polarity of wanting to be closer to her, but at the same time wanting to keep her at an arms distance.

His large frame slipped out of the bed, without a sound, Scarlett's body acting in response and rolling to her other side to cradle a pillow in his absence. He was too energetic, and Scarlett appreciated her sleep. He would afford her the opportunity to get a few more hours of sleep, her scent while dwindling, was still enticing and he did not want to take her with him due to that. It would be close to dinner time before the Alpha would feel comfortable letting her out, for now he would let her rest.

He always found it difficult to leave her when her perfect body laid naked in the soft sheets of his bed,  but since he was no longer intensely affected by her pheromones, he had a desire to see his son. He did not like to be away from Caleb for too long, his son was a huge part of him and he felt an emptiness when they were away from one another. Because, he could not sleep, and Scarlett could not join him, he was going to surprise his son and take him out to train. Caleb was his most loyal pack member, and would be excitedly up for the task.

A few extra minutes were added to his dressing routine as he fidgeted with his shirt, ensuring that her mark was hidden underneath the material. His travel time was also inhibited by the mark, as he chose to not shift and potentially end up nude walking back, in the event he could not properly secure a stash pile of clothes before the mansion.

An irritation brewed from his delay and the reason for it, as it brought to the forefront of his mind, that inevitably he would be unable to hide it. When he returned to training the warriors of the pack, there would no hiding it. That thought was both incredibly upsetting as well as infuriating. He was going to have to figure out, how exactly he was going to handle that.

When he finally made it to the third floor, he quietly crept into his sons room, after dismissing the guard who stood watch outside in the event Caleb needed something throughout the night. The bed dipped as he took a seat on its side, his thick calloused fingers ran through his sons blonde hair ruffling it as he began to gently wake him, his actions combined with a hushed whisper as he called him to rise. "Hey, kid. It's time to get up."

"Dad?" Calebs eyes winced as a curled hand rubbed at his eyes in fatigued confusion. His upper body rising as he opened his light blue eyes to see the shadowed face of his father in the dim light afforded by the partially open bedroom door. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to take you training." He said patting his cheek. "Come on, let's go." His head nodding back to the door, as he slowly began to rise.

"I thought you wouldn't be back for a couple more days." Caleb said quickly pulling back his covers and stripping his pajama shirt as he hurriedly walked over to his dresser and began to dress in his workout gear.

"Scarlett is much better now, and I missed you, so I decided to come back early." Samuel said as he folded his arms and watched his son get changed, waiting patiently for him to get finished.

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