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Her world had turned upside down at the age of nineteen. Everything she had had ever known and loved about life had disappeared as she was corralled onto a large bus by tall angry shouting men who scolded hesitant footsteps. She had been won, and was now considered property to the celebrating pack.

Her own pack was nothing but shattered remnants and piles of debris with smoke still billowing from ember laced materials. She could have escaped, but the risk would not have been worth the reward. She had smuggled all the young children she had tended to day in and out away from the chaos as the initial strike took place. Leading them in a hurried line, and ensuring they each held onto one another so that they did not fall astray.

She will never forget their tears, and how she had to harshly whisper at them to be quiet and move quickly. The fear in their eyes and the concern for their parents in the confusion of the event, would be something burned into her brain until the end of her days. They moved as quickly as possible with the other caretakers carrying the youngest, and the oldest of the children pushing and prodding the rest along.

They scurried for miles, the children's tears turning to whines and complaints of fatigue ignored by all the women as they pressed forward. She was taking them somewhere safe, and somewhere they would not be seen or smelled, a cave behind a rapid waterfall where they would stay until it was deemed it was okay to leave.

"Okay guys..." she whispered lowly, once all the little heads were accounted for with her frantic eyes. "We're going to play a game." Her voice was low and her long red hair was now thoroughly disheveled within its braid. "It's called the quiet game." Her eyes rolling over all the children who were staring at her were wide eyed and rolling into the choppy waters of shock. "You all need to be completely quiet, not even a peep. If you make a sound we all lose. But if you stay quiet until Ms. Francis tells you otherwise, we all will get a big dessert at the end of the game." Her head nodded slowly and the children began to nod in response, as they trembled under her gaze.

She felt bad for lying to them, they most likely would not be getting that treat, but it was something they could look forward to and motivate them to follow through with the game. "Miss. Lindsey, Miss. Rose and Miss. Claire are all going to come with me. You need to be good for Ms. Francis while we're away, and remember to stay quiet. Don't speak, just nod if you understand." She whispered even lower as her light brown eyes with tones of honey scanned the nodding heads. "Good! I know you all will be very good. Now sit down, and wait for your dessert. Miss. Lindsey will be the first back to let you know when you've won." She said with a warm smile, not wanting to show them any more weakness. "Come on ladies, let's go." She said with a firm nod to the other Omega caretakers, who followed her out from behind the waterfall and into the forest.

"What are we doing now Scarlett?" Lindsey questioned once they had made it far enough into the woods, where the sounds of the fight echoed in the distance detailing to them that it was getting closer and filling further into the forest.

"We need to run throughout the trees, in opposite directions. Lace our own scent throughout the forest and keep it away from the cave. They're taking the women, and will be motivated to find us instead of the children. Lindsey, you must make it back to the cave. You're the fastest runner, it's likely that some or the rest of us will be caught, but you cannot leave the kids there. Francis is old and will not be able to manage them as time goes on." Scarlett said decidedly, finding an internal strength within in order to protect the little ones.

"I'll head east." Claire said, with a hard nod, her own thoughts in line with Scarletts.

"I'll g-go west." Rose said weakly, showing she too was making the decision to protect the kids but with great fear.

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