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Go behind my desk, to the right. Kneel, head down, hands on your lap. Do not raise your eyes. Not once.

"I was with Caleb." Was all Samuel said, as the guards departed and permitted his and the rest of his betas entrance into the study.

"Ah. How is the little man?" Jonah questioned as he filtered in behind him with the rest of the lot who were waiting.

"We did not come here to discuss him. If you're curious, seek him out yourself." Samuel said abruptly ending the topic. "What are the losses?" He immediately questioned, heading to the liquor cabinet to pour himself a scotch.

"Fifty-four." Jonah responded at his side as he selected a whiskey for himself.

"Have all the mates been notified?" Samuel asked, as he walked to his desk, his fingers catching and trailing her pony tail in the briefest of moments, before he took his seat.

"Yes. I personally saw to some of the notifications, and cross checked that all parties were made aware." Luca, the stockier beta, said gruffly, opting to take a seat by the well stoked fire.

"Arrangements for the services are set for two days from now. For now, each family will have their time to mourn with bodies. Almost every loss has been accounted for and returned to their homes." Derek said as he too poured himself a drink of gin.

"How many are missing?" Samuel shifted back in his chair as a firm hand ran through the length of his blonde locks on top of his head. His body was rigid and tense, as he was deeply affected at the loss of his own pack members, more so the ones who had not yet been located to be afforded a proper burial.

"Seven." Derek responded with a side glance his amber eyes registering the alphas demeanor and adopting a gentility.

"And, all seven, are confirmed losses?" He questioned back, ensuring that they were not, in fact, MIA.

"Yes. They have been confirmed. No prisoners were held by Red Moon." Jonah said taking a sip of his whiskey, as he sat across from the alpha, his eyes noting the top of red hair peeking over the desk from his view. "Savages, they were." He said firmly, as his eyes lingered on the visible amount of her, he could see.

"Agreed." Samuel stated back blankly. His hand reaching back over to pet at the top of her scalp idly, as she began to bubble once again with anger derived from the betas coarse words regarding her own pack.

"On a more positive note." Jonah trailed his hazel eyes away from the top of her head being caressed by the alphas hand. "Lake hills is down by females and has offered a promising amount. $300,000 for bus three. We're stalling to try to garner a higher yield, but of course, should be content with their initial offer, either way."

"I want it all settled by tomorrow. Money is of no concern to me. Accept nothing less than $100,000 from each of the rest and I'll be satisfied." Samuel said back as he leaned heavily in his chair, taking another sip of the liquor as he began to twirl her locks within his fingers.

"There is another matter that requires your attention, Alpha." Jace said, interjecting himself into the conversation.

"And that is?" His blue eyes now diverting to the red headed beta who's hair almost matched perfectly Scarletts.

"We found the pups, almost missed them, actually. There's nineteen in total. What's your directive?" Jace watched his face, and therefor did not see his grip firmly form on her ponytail as he was flooded with a catastrophic amount of emotions from her.

"What's the age of the oldest?" He questioned back with his normal stoned face.

"Seven." Jace responded in brevity.

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