Safe and Secure

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One month had passed, since Scarlett had vanished. She had completely disappeared and went off the radar, with no further communication provided to her mate, despite his attempts to garner her response. The first three days were the worst for him, as he remained in a constant state of heavy inebriation, choosing to intoxicate his mind rather than focus on the absence and the glaring reality of it becoming more prevalent as time moved forward.

He responded to no one. There was complete radio silence from the Alpha as he denned in his own room and drank himself into a stupor, sleeping only when he passed out, and rising only when the numbing effect of the liquor began to dissipate. For seventy-two hours, there was not a sober moment in his life. He did not eat, he did not shower, nor did he even manage to change out of the blood soaked clothes he had worn at the end of the meeting. Samuel had descended into a dark depressing madness.

On the fourth day, something snapped deep within him, and he called his battered body into action. He drank water, in excessive amounts to turn his urine from a deep pungent brown to a clear stream. He showered, dressed and styled his hair meticulously in the mirror, and then at 4:30am on the fifth day, he walked out the pack mansions double doors and got into a car. Samuel too vanished.

If his men were going to prove useless in detaining and bringing back his mate, he would do so himself. Jonah had already been conducting the functions of the pack, and caring for Samuels son as he holed up in solitude. The Alphas absence would be never be mentioned and would remain undiscussed. Samuel had set out to rectify the situation of his mate, in order so he himself could return to baseline. He knew her better than anyone, and after three full days of a suicidal malice directed towards his own body, his initial fury had quelled enough to approach the situation in a calculated controlled manner.

She was his mate. He would find her, and he would bring her home. He would follow his instincts and the intrinsic pull that would inevitably lead him to her. They were made for each other, after all. Like two magnets that slowly pulled together until reaching such a close proximity to one another that they snapped tightly against each other's surface. He would find her, but it was unclear even to him, what he was going to do with her, once he did.


The first week was the worst for her. She had run for what seemed like days, only stopping when she reached a level of exhaustion where she would collapse on spot. Food was scarce and procured only by what she could catch herself. Her anxiety was high and she was constantly alert, leaving her with little to no sleep as she constantly popped up in attention at the slightest trace of sound. She managed to cover a lot of distance in what was only a few short days by foot and paw, but her eyes were always cast over her shoulder, looking back at the direction from which she came.

It was not clear to her, how many miles she had traveled when she found herself arriving in a sleepy little town surrounded by a shroud of forest, but for the first time in an entire week, she found a semblance of peace and somewhat of a sense of being safe. Samuel had stopped trying to contact her after day four. Something of which she found to be both relieving and terrifying.

The first three days she received different communications from him ranging from intense affection to pure unadulterated rage. He would tell her how much he loved her, and then immediately turn to threatening her life, if she did not return. His messages to her garbled and distorted, starting off with a high rate of frequent occurrences, and dwindling in frequency as days moved on and time passed.

In her mind, the silence that followed after the first three days, could mean only one of three things... Option One, there was the possibility that she had made it far enough away from him to which he could not reach her. Option Two: he had given up his attempts to verbally coerce her back and shifted his focused on physically pursuing her. Option Three: he had given up, and let her go. Option three was more of a pipe dream, rather than a true possible outcome from the situation, it was incredibly unlikely Samuel would willingly relinquish his hold on her. In all reality, she truly faced option one or option two, and she was really hoping for option one to be the case.

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