Trading Places

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Samuel allowed her to hold him for a few moments longer, giving her the added benefit of stroking her hair with a hand, as his arms encased her in a comforting cage of flesh and muscle. He missed her. He missed the sensations of her touch, the heavenly scent that belonged to him, her youth and vitality that gave way to her bubbling personality.

Their time apart was short, but felt completely unbearable, and found to be equally, mutually disliked. Scarlett filled a void in Samuel, and even though he was the one who had pushed for their separation for his own sanity, he quickly found that the absence of her only increased his own turbulence. He was hooked on her, like an intravenous drug. A shot of her into his veins, and he was in a state of euphoria without a single care to be had.

He was learning so much about mates and the effect they had on one another, by his own first hand experience with her. He was never afforded any education on the matter, but taught to treat the matter with extreme suspicion and cautious regard. He was expected to have a deep fear and hatred of the unknown, in order to save himself from the affliction.

Samuel was from a long line of Alphas, who all had a shared logic on how the mate bond and women should be viewed. They softened the heart and weakened the mind. They were a distraction. They were a threat, and ones guard should never be let down when in their presence. They detracted from conquests and glory, they distracted from strength and power, they had led many great men to their demise.. They were manipulative lying little creatures, who spread their legs and showed their bosoms, only to climb and garner their own strongholds.

His families lineage and their beliefs were well known, especially within his own pack. Women, love, mates... these were acceptable for the fodder to take joy and pleasure in, but not for those of the higher ranks. The leadership needed to be focused, always in control, always on the ready. The fact that a rumor was swirling around about the Alpha and the redhead being mated, was almost unbelievable. Only few had confirmation of it, but their lips would never tell, as Samuel was unforgiving of trespasses.

It was found to be beneficial that the physician was one of the ones who knew of his mateship. His family had tended and serviced the pack almost as long as Samuels. The pack doctors role was highly coveted for their expertise, making them invaluable, and allowing them to get away with more than others. When Samuel came into his office in his distracted state, the physician knew exactly how to handle it, as this was all completely normal. He also knew exactly how to handle him.

He was sensitive to the Alphas guarded emotions and mind state, and casually began to discuss how mated heatings were much more intense than unmated heatings, all without being asked and all while he pretended to look for the medication that would deliver Samuels reprieve. He kept his demeanor candid and calm as he spoke as if he was just relaying fun facts about mated pairs and their effects on each other, giving way to glimpses and education on things, Samuel more than likely never had an opportunity to learn.

The alpha knew some things, but only things that were common knowledge, and things that could be overheard. He was not one to speak on his private life, and he would never be caught dead asking anyone for advice on the matter. That would be entirely too humiliating and damaging to his own ego, especially when considering he was twenty-seven years of age. His visit to the doctor was absolutely beneficial to him, and instead of feeling weaker as a result of it, he felt strengthened.

His conversation also made him feel better about his decision to not let her mark him. She didn't need that kind of negativity in her life. She didn't need to feel what he felt or to know what he thought, it would only drain her and weaken him in her eyes. The extreme connection he felt with her during the beginning stages of her heat, would have ruined her if she shared that same connection with him. It was better this way. It was better she keep her perky happy demeanor, and not be dragged down by him.

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