A Good Father

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When Samuel was finished making the drinks, he in haste shoved Scarletts into her hand, wordlessly showing it was not a question if she wanted it or not, but that she was expected to drink it. He made hers stiff, feeling as if she needed the liquor to improve her demeanor, as it had always helped him. She made no motion to drink it, instead she held it idly in her hands as she stared into it's contents.

He watched her intently as he took a sip of his own drink, waiting for her to take action with hers. "Try your drink, Scarlett." He said after of few more moments of inaction.

"May I get a shower, Alpha?" She said looking up to him, desperately wanting to get clean and be under the warmth of the showers raining jets.

His stare hardened on her, "Try your drink." He gritted out, finding her completely frustrating at this point.

"Please?" She asked, as she took a bird like sip, just to appease him.

"Once, you finish your drink, we will shower." He said back as he put his drink down on the night stand and began to strip his shirt, missing her frustrated side glance as she took another sip, she not missing the way his body looked without clothes.

She immensely disliked how attractive she found him, even when she was upset or cross with him. A smirk rose to his face as the mental block she had built, faltered and revealed to him she was actively fighting her attraction to him. His blue eyes focused on her intently as his movements slowed and he unbuckled his belt in a slow manner, as she avoided his gaze and frame and distracted herself with another long draw of her drink despite it pungent biting flavor.

"Is everything alright, Scarlett?" He questioned purposefully, to draw her eyes back over to him as he began to unbutton and unzip his pants in an even slower manner. "With your drink, of course. Obviously, you're still upset with me." He added when he was only afforded a side glance, and he once again called her attention to him. He leaving his pants open but hanging on his waist as he watched her cheeks erupt in a blush and heard her scolding thoughts become more prevalent.

"It's good." She lied, as she took steps away and created more of a distance between them with her back facing him. She taking a heavier sip before she walked into the depths of the bathroom and placed the half empty glass on the counter.

He pursued her into the bathroom, walking over to the shower and adjusting the levers to start the multiple faucets and fill the large glass enclosure with hot steam. Quickly returning his attention to her as soon as she had taken off her boots, and pulled her hair out of the pony tail, scratching her own scalp to soothe it from her hairs once tight hold.

"Finish your drink." He said, reminding her that they would not enter until she had finished it. His hands pushing her hair gently in front of her shoulder where he slowly untied and loosened her corset, taking his time deliberately to keep their close proximity.

Her eyes heavily watched him in the mirror as she gulped down the rest of the drink, her eyes held a frustration as she couldn't help but stare at his concentrated face, that led to a strong neck and broad defined shoulders. He was literally perfect, everything one could physically want in a man, he reeked of testosterone, it poured out of him. She hated how drawn her eyes were to his form, because while he was so attractive, he was also callous and demeaning with only a few bouts of gentility and sensuality peeking in between. If only his personality was as appealing as his physical form was, he would be a God in her eyes.

As soon as she placed the glass back down, he finished loosening the corset, sliding it off her frame with his own fixated stare as her skin became exposed to him.

She was magnificent. Her small frame in comparison to his, dipped and curved in just the right ways, like hills and valleys ready to be explored. Her breasts were round and supple, bountiful like mountains itching to be conquered. Her rich red hair with its length, trailed her creamy white skin like a wild flowing river, barely contained. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. If only she could see how much he loved her, if only her mind could realize what he had done for her, and what he continued to do for her. He never wanted for anything more, than the way he wanted her. He never worked so hard for something, than he had worked and continued to work for her. He was trying. He was trying so hard, despite what it seemed to her. Everything he had been taught, every lesson he was given, was in direct contradiction of how he was with her. He was giving her everything he knew how to give.

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