The Best Thing To Ever Be His

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Samuel and Scarlett did not speak after Caleb's explosion. It was clear that Samuel needed space and time to think, as he and Caleb had never fought before. There were times, where Caleb required redirection and punishment, but never had he been so upset to truly yell at his father and look at him the way he had. In all reality, Caleb had broken Samuels heart and managed to deeply hurt his fathers feelings.

Never before had Caleb seen his father as weak or defective, but he clearly did now. Samuel worked so hard to provide Caleb a better life than what he had been afforded, and felt as if he was doing well. It was the one thing he was truly proud of, his raising of his son. However, right now in this moment, he felt like he was doing a poor job of it.

Samuel should have raised Caleb with his own set of ideals right from the get go. He never should have let his father inch his influence into how he raised his own son. However, his father was pervasive. He knew how to get into his sons head. He could easily set him off kilter, and inevitably guide him to follow his direction. The years of abuse and trauma the Alpha had faced, made him unable to trust himself. Without his rigid parameters and structure set in place, he could quickly become unstable.

Torsten was immensely proud of his son, for the strength and power he possessed. It was his mind that needed continuous guidance and support. Samuel was unwell. He also suffered from the same affliction his great-great-great grandfather had suffered from, in regards to women. The reason the Jacobsen's turned misogynistic and either killed or rejected their own mates. Nothing good came from taking a woman, their sole purpose was for procreation and physical release, nothing more.

The problem with Samuel was that he was the strongest Jacobsen ever recorded, and he had an unwillingness to accept blindly, the ideologies of others. He wanted to follow his own minds guidance, which was completely ravaged in turmoil, and in direct contradiction of his families traditions. He needed Torsten to keep him grounded, and his loving father would always be there for him, to help him when he faltered. Torsten had a way of deeply affecting Samuel, even though he no longer had physical control over him. When he finally managed to get Samuel to see the error of his thinking, it was as if the clouds had temporarily lifted and he had finally found his way.

When the cart had finally arrived, Samuel himself rose to get it. He pulled it into the room, and plated two plates, one for her and one for Caleb. "Sit and eat, Scarlett. When I come back I expect you to be in bed, and asleep." His volume was low but his voice was firm, it was clear she was expected to listen to his directives, as he had no desire for his patience to be tested.

"Okay, Samuel." She said quietly, looking back from her spot at the window she had adopted in the silence. It was dark out, but she could still see the plants in the garden as they fluttered under the gentle winds guidance.

Without another word, he walked out and over to Caleb's room with his dinner plate in hand, walking in without knocking as he knew his son would be sulking in his time spent being grounded to his room. "It's time to eat, Caleb." Samuel said in his usual tone, having collected himself enough to wear his usual demeanor and not show his upset.

"Im not hungry." Caleb said stiffly, with his back turned to his father as he laid on his bed and rotated a football in his hands in fixation.

"Well, it's not an option. You need to eat, so not to impact your training tomorrow morning." The Alpha
said back in reply, keeping his tone even.

"Im not training tomorrow." He said rolling onto his back and beginning to toss the ball up in the air. There was no point for him to train, his fate was already sealed, and he was going to lose the title he was born for. There was no reason to expend the energy.

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