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When Scarlett returned, she came with his drink in one hand and a small hand towel from the bathroom in the other. She quickly squatted at her knees and supported her crouched posture with the top pads of her feet and toes as she worked fixedly to wipe up her spill. As soon as that matter has been attended to she tossed the towel onto the coffee table and dropped onto her knees, shuffling over to his laying frame with the drink extended, a light worry in her eyes that he had fallen asleep as he looked so peaceful.

"Sam..." she said quietly, as she approached his side placing the drink down on the wood floor so her hands could also rest flatly against it, as she leaned over him to peer at his face. "Sam..." she said even more quietly as she leaned closer to inspect his features, a gasp emitting from the base of her throat as his finger quickly curled into the ring of her collar and pulled her down to meet her lips with his own. His free hand moved into her hair to grip into her locks as his tongue coaxed open her mouth, affectionately swiping at hers before he pulled her head back with his grip in her hair, but not completely before he gave a couple of nibbles to her lower lip.

"You're such a good girl, Scarlett." He said in a low rumbling purr as his deep blue eyes took in her features, with her pink cheeks and soft dewy brown eyes as she looked back at him biting her lower lip still tingling in the sensations from his teeth's gentle nipping. The hand in her hair sliding down to caress her cheek, his thumb tugging lightly at her plump swollen lower lip as he admired her beauty.

Her eyes fluttered and she leaned into his hand soaking up his gentle attention, she loved immensely when he was affectionate with her. These moments seemed to override his other less desirable attributes, and they were what kept her so attached and hooked to him. It was almost as if she had to work for and endure his other behaviors in order to be afforded the reward and benefits of his gentility. The struggle and the strains, only heightened the pleasurable sensations her body would receive from moments like these.

Her hips cocked to the side so she could return to a more relaxed position, her upper body leaning on top of his, as her arms folded across the base of his chest and she deposited her free cheek on top of her crossed forearms. He receiving the look of loving from her eyes as she stared at him, and absorbed his soft touches for a moment longer before his arm craned back and grabbed his drink from the floor in order to take a sip.

"Sam..." she said again in a questioning tone, him humming in response as he placed the drink back down the floor, his hand returning to the ends of her hair where fingers twirled within the locks as he returned his eyes to the ceiling.

She had so many many things she wanted to ask him, but she didn't know where to start and didn't know when his receptiveness to responding would end. Her mind was trying to prioritize what she most wanted to know in case he just abruptly ended their conversation. "Why didn't you tell me when you first met me?" She questioned as her fingers began to swirl at his tight chest, her eyes dropping down to their movement. "That we were.. that we were mates..?"

"I was irritated with you." He said bluntly, his hand grabbing the drink and taking another sip as his other arm shifted upward underneath his head propping him up a bit more higher for a better view of her, as well as for comfort.

"Why?" She questioned with furrowed brows as her head perked up.

"I just came out of a war, where obtaining you was my main focus, and you did not recognize me. I saw you in the crowds of your old pack, and I watched you try to defect to another numbered faction. I knew then, in that moment, you were going to be a problem. That you would fight what you should have known to be inherently true." He spoke in his usual tone as he thought about the intense anger he felt watching her try to divert and disappear in the crowd after all his efforts. Something he still held a bitterness about. The fact that he went against everything hammered into him due to his family lineage, in order to obtain his mate, and that she did not appreciate his efforts... It had actually infuriated him.

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