Stepping Stones

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One Week Later

"It's not time for bed, Scarlett." Samuel said heavily, with a hand still firmly clutched on a breast, tucked beneath the smooth fabric of her bra.

"It is, Sam." She whispered out huskily, as her own grip took a firm hold on his wrist.

"We have three more minutes." His tone darkening as he spoke each word.

"So we should use them to say goodbye." She countered his stance.

"But your body and your heart, are-" his logic began to come at a forefront with his argument.

"They lie. Let's go." She said abruptly removing his hand from its snug covering over her soft flesh. "It's time to go to bed. So say goodnight while you can."

"Scarlett." His tone was heavy and darkening as he continued his protest.

"Sam." She responded cooly, having risen from their snug position on the couch and waiting patiently at the door.

"It's been a fucking week." He gritted out running a hand through his hair. A tension bubbling in his chest as his jaw tensed and his eyes deepened in their coloring. His large frame making no effort to leave his spot on the couch in stubborn resolve as his muscles began to tighten and become slightly rigid.

"And?" She questioned as if she did not see his point, her words complimented with a head tilt. All the while her brown eyes were watching him carefully and taking note of all his aggressive precursors coming out in a heavily muted display.

"And if I want to stay with my mate, I should be afforded to stay with my mate." He said removing his bitter stare from the rolling credits across from him and sliding his navy blue hues over to meet hers with narrowed brows.

"We have discussed this, Sam." Her own tone deepening as she placed a hand on her hip and did not stray from his penetrative stare.

"No!" He sharply spat out abruptly with a head shake as he quickly rose, a sharp hand gesture motioned between his own chest and then directed towards her. "We-" his tone was now bubbling in complete frustration, "-have discussed nothing. You-" his hand once again extended in a rigid manner in her direction with a flat palm and accusatory fingers pressed tightly together. "Have decided everything."

At the end of his words he broke eye contact with her as he swiveled on the heel of a foot, and began to pace back and forth from the couch to the large windowed wall. The onset of his steps were matched with an annoyed click of his tongue as his hand tensely gripped into the long blonde locks on top of his head, that familiar trademark self soothing measure he took when he began to lose composure. Scarlett remained at the door, watching him carefully as he began to exhibit more signs of distress. Surprisingly, at this moment, she was cool, calm and collected, as if she was an outside spectator and not an active participant in his escalating behavior. She allowed him to take several paces back and forth, watching his head shake in complete irritation, and listening to the sound waves of that familiar garbled static begin to encroach within the depths of her mind.

"Maybe, we need to take a break from one another, Sam." She said slowly, her tone heavy and yet soft as she spoke in caution.

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