His Fathers Father

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Many years ago...

"You have deceived me." His tone was sharp and growled out as a firm hand encased the delicate neck of the woman, who's face was purpling from its tense clutch.

"N-no. N-n-n-no.." her soft voice was strained and struggling to present as her airways further closed and her hands acted in defiance to her attackers hands presence, her nails clawing and gripping at the hardened flesh in an attempt for reprieve.

"Do not lie." He harshly spat out from behind gritted teeth in a whispered breath. "Do not lie to your Alpha." His black eyes bore into her soft blue as they watered and winced under his grips direction. "What a despicable cunt you are, and what a fool I have been."

"Eir-.." her body trembled as she continued to claw and grip, her airways slowly closing the more they lingered in their current poses. Her knees buckled against his own rigid legs and her shoulders trembled. "Ei-..." she gasped. "Eirik please!" She managed to choke out desperately before his hand further closed and oxygen was no longer allowed to enter her lungs.

Tears stained her face as she began to violently convulse under his grip. Her blue eyes begged and pleaded for mercy, and held the ultimate expression of betrayal as her mate began to strip away any chance of her own survival. This time he was going to do it. This time she knew there was no hope, and yet she spent her last moments begging and pleading that he wouldn't.  Begging and pleading that there was something deep down within him, that her panic and upset could reach. However, intrinsically in this moment, her final moment, she knew... they both were lost.

"I will not be disrespected. Again, and by a whore, no less." The veins in his neck began to pop and grow bulbous as his grip further tightened. His chest was broad and his shoulders in a chronic state of rigidity as his firm handed grip further stripped her life force with its callous regard.

Her energy was waning, and her struggle began to lessen as he held her in ease. The fight in her eyes began to dwindle and was being replaced with ultimate defeat and acceptance that this was how her life was to end. Had she been a stronger woman she could have tried to run, but she was weak and so she remained. Ultimately, she had sealed her own fate, hoping one day he would change, hoping her mate would one day, be in fact, a mate... That one day, he would love her, the way a mate should be loved.

Nora however was not destined to be that lucky. Eirik loved her as much as he was capable of, in the sense that he found his mate, brought her home to birth his child and coveted her body for a time. He loved her physicality, he loved her soft and gentle demeanor under his direction, but he did not love or accept her wandering eyes. One too many times that soft blue had risen to meet the eyes of another, one too many times had she made him look churlish, and he would stand for it no more.

Women were for fucking. Women were for breeding. This was their use. They were not necessary beyond that. And yet Eirik, like his fathers father, had faltered. But no more.

No more would he be entranced by her delicate curves or the way her hips moved when she walked. No longer would he look past her deception under the mesmerization of her soft blue hues. No longer would his body shudder under the soft gentle embrace of her touch. Eirik remembered who he was, and what she had always been... a trap. A honey pot. A lying temptress sent to bring down the strong, to challenge those in power, to overtake, to overrun. Yes, Nora had sealed her fate the day she had come to meet Eirik. Her time had been numbered from the first struggled step she made in her attempt to escape his strong hands. Her destiny had been made when she set out hoping one day he would change. Eirik did not change. He could not be manipulated nor could he be deceived.

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