The Female Pressure Valve

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Scarlett was careful with what type of romance she selected this time, she strayed away from choices that involved males competing for a woman's attention, as she had no desire to hear Samuels complaints about the unbelievability of it. Instead she chose a drama, where the lead male and females relationship was struggling to grow due to miscommunication, and the whole movie was building up to whether or not they would overcome of the barriers they faced and finally end up together.

For the first time, Samuel was almost quiet as he watched the movie. He sat in bed with a straight back, his arms folded across his chest and his long legs extended with his ankles crossed comfortably. Scarlett was nestled closely against him with her head deposited on his lap, as she watched the movie, she was hoping he would take the hint and begin playing with her hair. However, he was too busy clicking his tongue, rolling his eyes and grunting in disapproval or agreement matched with nods or shakes of his head, each time the couple hit a contentious point.

Caleb had given up on his idle complaints, when he saw Samuel was not engaging with his remarks. When the couples fight finally reached a point of implosion, Samuel gave another head shake and a deep grunt, causing Scarlett to comment.

"What is it, Sam?" She questioned in curiosity, her brown eyes rolling up to his tense jaw.

"This." He gestured towards the screen, where the male was completely breaking down and angrily destroying his room as he intoxicated himself, in response to the woman storming out. "This is what women do." He said with a head shake.

"What is it that women do?" She questioned, choosing to be interested rather than annoyed, as his sexist nature came out to play.

"She appreciates nothing. She is undeserving, and yet he is the one who suffers." He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"I beg your pardon?" She questioned almost in disbelief as she looked back to the screen. "From what I saw, she had enough of him not appreciating her own efforts."

"And therein lies my point." He now gestured to Scarlett with a head shake. "Both you and her cannot see his efforts, and therefor you believe he should be punished because he is not to your standards or satisfaction."

"Her reaction is entirely his fault, because he won't talk to her." She argued back with her own shake of a head as she gestured to the television. "Had he told her how he felt and what he had actually done for her, she would feel differently."

"Oh, so all that stuff just magically appeared right after they discussed it, the flowers, the painting, the incredibly specific music box, but it's his fault for not waving it in her face when he provided it to her." Samuel said shaking his head and clicking his tongue. "Some people don't talk, Scarlett. Some people just do. Obviously, she is completely stupid or she is sharing these thoughts and interests with another, and is unable to figure out who has given it to her."

"The people who don't talk, tend to be the ones who need to do it the most, Samuel." Her tone came out heavily, as she looked up to him with narrowed brows. "And it isn't just because he didn't gloat about the presents. It's because he didn't tell her how he felt, and now she's leaving and has a whole new life planned, and now he decides to finally say something after she had finally given up."

"She is a fool." He said with a deep nod. "If she only opened her eyes, and stopped focusing on other trivial matters, she would have seen how much he loves her. She is entirely undeserving."

"She tried, Sam." She argued back. "She tried to get him to notice her. She tried to get his attention and his affection."

"She did not." He said shaking his head adamantly. "She wanted something different, something else, something more. Had she attempted to actually see him, she would have seen the way he looked at her. She would have seen that he was always the first to respond. How exclusively he focused on her. But no,-" he said in a scoff. "All she could see was that he didn't chase after her like all the other desperate males, that he didn't feel the need to waste words, and that he didn't find it necessary to engage in her temper tantrums."

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