A Borrowed Mate

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The Alpha ended up thoroughly enjoying the last part of her day. Their shower together was nice and kept in line with their normal routine, but his favorite part of the day, was when it was time to select the movie for the night. Scarlett left the dinner choice to Samuel, only asking for him to order that red wine he had asked for once before, as she was more fond of it, in comparison to the cocktails he made for her. However, she was adamant that she pick the movie tonight, a move that sealed her fate in Caleb's fickle favoritism.

The two males were forced to watch a sappy romance surrounding a lovers triangle and woman needing to decide between two men, one who could provide her security and the other who fulfilled her emotional needs. It was torture. Caleb tried to refuse to watch it, citing he was going to bed early but Samuel forced him to stay, as he had already been scolded  into putting his laptop away which he had discretely tried to open. If Samuel had to watch the movie, so did Caleb.

The two males conducted their usual running commentary, but of a different nature, due to the subject matter they were watching. Caleb complained loudly about how boring the movie was and Samuel continued to cite how unrealistic the movie was at each point the males came head to head over the woman's affection. In his mind, if he were one of the males, there would be not enough material for the length of the movie. He would have quickly quashed the competition in brutal fashion, and would not have stood for the persistent threat of the other male. He also shot out some sexist remarks in regards to the fickleness of females and their shifting wants and lack of ability to manage their emotions.

The last notion something he had to slightly backtrack on and modify his words as he had already been afforded one too many glaring side glances from Scarlett, who was literally trying to enjoy the movie she was emotionally invested in and did not appreciate his generalization on the entire female populous. Towards the end, Samuel went quiet and even began to shush Caleb, as he himself held heavy eyes of clear boredom and fatigue, due to his own lack of interest in the movie. The only true positive about it's selection, was that he once again was at the top of the totem pole in Caleb's favoritism, as his son loudly voiced how he could not wait for tomorrow when things returned to normal, under his fathers direction.

The next morning, Samuel quickly reestablished their routine. They woke up and exercised, this session a bit more challenging than the usual, to make up for yesterday's bare minimum efforts. They then returned to pack house to conduct their separate hygiene practices and then to share breakfast. The Alpha was definitely more relaxed, as he was back in his element of carefully managing each one of their days. Surprisingly, his mate and son made no complaints, as they both quickly returned to what he had previously established as their set routine.

Scarlett was the most surprising to him, in her quickly readopting their ritualistic mornings. However, she had tried to tell him all throughout her day, that sometimes a change and relaxation could be nice and refreshing. She has no true desire to disrupt their every day habits, lovingly adopted by them and guided by Samuels direction.

When he dressed them for the day, it almost caused them to be late, as Scarlett began to poke the bear that was the Alpha. He had unknowingly matched their outfits, something which she playfully prodded and pointed out. The weather each day was beginning to chill and today he opted for a long sleeved form fitting black shirt with faded blue jeans and boots. He put her in a long sleeved black sweater with a belt that cinched at her waist, faded blue skinny jeans and cuter styled heeled boots.

When she began to coo and bat her eyelashes and ask if he purposely had done so, and then continued in her playful amorous ways, he almost completely changed his entire outfit in frustration, before she inevitably backed down and stopped when she was met with his tense jaw and hard stare. The Alpha adamantly rejected anything that she determined was cute and or adorable, and did not like being teased in her fussing over the possibility of him being capable of such things. While he was fond of the way she would coddle and smother his tall unmoving rigid frame with obnoxious affection, he did not appreciate her persistent words that came in combination with the action.

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