Testing Boundaries

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Samuel had been visiting Scarlett every night for an entire month straight. He came at a decent hour, with enough time for them to share a late supper and watch a movie together with some extra time to spare. His want to see her and spend time with her, improved not only his own health, but also improved the health and lifestyle of his young son.

Caleb was slowly moved to an earlier bedtime, the time the father and son spent together was that of a higher quality as Samuel had less time to spend with him each night. In turn, his energy levels were off the charts and thus Samuel and him would work harder together in the early morning hours to wear him down. Samuels own sleeping improved as an effect of Scarlett's demand for a new arrangement.

Since he spent his evenings steadfastly with her, immediately after putting his son to sleep, he was not afforded the opportunity to drink as much. Scarlett had made it clear early on, in a not so subtle way, when she dumped out his entire liquor cabinet, that she was not fond of his habit. She had also previously remarked to him before everything crumbled between them just how much she did not like it, despite it being in a gentler manner.

The Alpha had significantly cut back his intake in light of this fact, as he was approaching her with caution. He did eventually make an attempt to cut it completely out, however it seemed that was not possible to do right away, or as easy as he thought it would be. He unfortunately was met with the harsh reality that he in fact had become dependent on the toxic substance, and developed tremors and sweats within twenty four hours of his try in cutting it out.

Once again he privately had to seek out the pack doctor, slinking into his office awkwardly and mutely explaining his symptoms. The physician initially recommended an inpatient medically monitored detox, which would have left the Alpha out of commission for a couple of weeks, and the Alpha flat out rejected that notion. Instead they met with a compromise, Samuel would have to check in with the physician daily and be monitored and managed medicinally as necessary.

Unfortunately for everyone who resided in the pack house, an announcement had been made that the main pack house had become a dry house and no one was to have alcohol within its walls. The information was spread as a general caring for all the men's well being and physical health, cloaking carefully the Alphas own need to be away from the liquid poison. There was grumbling from all around to be had, but it never reached the Alphas ears. The lower ranks were forced to comply. The higher ranks became prophetic smugglers in their cloak and dagger ways of keeping and hoarding their own drinks of choice. Samuels office and his quarters were among the driest of desserts.

Not once did he relay to Scarlett his struggles with his own choice of nipping his crippling habit. However for the first few weeks, he exhibited a variety of emotions that he had trouble concealing. At times he would show up irritable, other times he would be forlorn or almost sad looking, his usual stone expression failing to conceal to his mate that he was not of his usual demeanor. She didn't ask questions and she didn't pry, but she continued to provide him comfort with her usual nature of providing him the attention and affection he religiously sought out daily.

Without alcohol, Samuel had a hard time dealing with his everyday fluctuations of internal emotions and thoughts. He was forced to feel and experience things, as well as mentally revisit topics that were undesirable. He thought about drinking constantly. It nagged at him. Ate at him.

Every since he was prepubescent he had been drinking, and his intake gradually increased throughout the years. He drank starting from the early morning hours, up until it was time for bed. His body had been so used and accustomed to it, that he could pass off as a normal person, despite the fact that he carried himself with a steady inebriation each and everyday, all day.

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