Battle of the Sexes

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Samuel and Scarlett had not spoken for two days. They shared their exercises and their showers. That was the bulk of their interactions together. The rest of their time spent around each other was silent, with only brief side glances made at one another to gauge their own demeanors. Samuel was looking for relaxed muscles, softer eyes and a lighter facial expression to be adopted on Scarlett's form. Scarlett was looking to see if he was caving in his opposition with slightly less broad shoulders, lighter blue eyes and a minor sulky disposition. Neither one of them were budging.

They seemed to be at an impasse and neither one was willing to make the first move to remove themselves from that impasse. Instead they dealt with each other at the absolute bare minimum and then monitored one another from afar, when the other was unaware of them doing so. It wasn't a good feeling for either of them. Scarlett's irritation grew more as he seemed so unwilling to relent and see reason with her rationale. Samuels irritation grew but it also coincided with his darkening mood as he just wanted this discord to be over and done with in order for them to move forward.

It was apparent that the battle of the sexes followed them from the pack house, back into their home. However, the difference was that more respect was shown by the male in the home towards the female, than what occurred in the mansions walls. Thus, there within laid the problem.

Samuel had learned throughout their roller coaster ride of a mateship how to deal with and handle his mate. He slowly learned to treat her with less physicality, he was learning to listen, and he was learning that in order to live in peace with his mate, he needed to be apart of that peace. This is what the other men in the pack house seemed to not understand or grasp. The scales between the sexes were clearly uneven, but Scarlett was the only one, save for the rest of the women who lived under the means heavy hands, who recognized the abuse. Scarlett however, unlike the rest of the women, was the only one who had a voice to point it out. And she decided to use it.

Though the two chose not to speak with one another, and kept their thoughts within the caverns of their minds, there was another clear measurable form of respect for one another that they were outwardly displaying. It wasn't a glaring obvious sign, and others would never begin to understand the level of respect they were affording one another, but it was present. The Alpha and his female never spoke with one another in a public setting, this established due to Samuel's absolute need for privacy. However, when they were among others, it was also not apparent that they were at all at a discord. They walked the halls together in their same usual silence, and they carried themselves in their usual demeanor. Samuel held his strong back and broad shoulders matched with his hardened features. Scarlett walked affixed to his side and kept her eyes forward, her face blank of any truly prevalent emotion.

During this period of silence the two were sharing, it was shared only between the two of them. It never would have been outwardly known that the two were not in agreement with one another, and this was another step in the right direction of shared respect between them. They kept their business, their business. Something they both had failed to do in the past, moreso the Alpha, despite how strongly he desired his privacy.


"Now is not the time, Tracy." Cassidy, a blonde servant girl dressed in tan whispered in a low tone, over to another in matching uniform with brunette hair. "She has to be alone." she said even quieter as her brown eyes trailed from around the corner they were using to sneak a peek at the Alpha and his female walking the halls. "She can help you, but not when the Alpha is present."

Tracy watched Cassidy in caution, but only with one green eye that was watering and the white shattered with red. Her other eye was swollen shut, and her lip that was trembling had been split and also was inflamed. "What can she do?" she asked unsurely, not truly believing it would be safe to approach the Alphas female, and afraid of worsening her own situation.

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