Close Proximity

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"What are you doing dad?" Caleb questioned as he shrugged down his pajama top, his young blue eyes watching his father in curiosity, as he was once again finicking with his hair and analyzing his beard with a determined fixated stare in the bathroom mirror.

"How do I look?" Samuel questioned, as his jaw tensed and he ripped his eyes away from the reflective glass in light irritation, feeling as if nothing was sitting correctly the way he had fixed it.

"Uhh.." Caleb said unsurely, looking at his father as he did not know how to respond. His fathers question was an atypical one and in his eyes his dad looked like his normal self, save for being more dressed up in comparison to his normal nighttime look of the evening. "Fine?" Caleb shrugged as his father began to fidget with the materials of his clothing.

"Fine?" Samuel questioned heavily, before returning his attention to the mirror and clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"You look good dad." Caleb said back just as heavily as he saw his fathers annoyance rise and finding him to be silly.

"Yeah?" Samuel questioned with a side glance, further seeking his sons validation on his appearance.

"Yeah." His son deadpanned as he continued watching him.

"Okay." The alpha nodded giving his beard one more swipe with a tense hand before he rubbed his slightly perspiring hands on his jeans and gave another nod to himself before walking away from the mirror in his sons bathroom. "Hurry up Caleb. It's time for bed." He stated finding his normal demeanor to resume now that he felt satisfied in his own appearance.

"Where are you going?" Caleb questioned as he slowly made his way over to his bed and pulled back his covers, sliding underneath them and adjusting himself comfortably in the bed into a seated position.

"I'm going to go see Scarlett." Samuel said back as he folded his arms and rose a hand to tensely rub at his jaw.

"Does she not like us anymore?" Caleb questioned as his father met him at his bedside and deposited a kiss onto of his head before immediately following the action by pushing him back down to lay and fixing the blankets over him. His actions completely unnecessary as his son was capable of doing so, but he choosing to help speed along the process. "She doesn't want to live with us anymore?"

"Her decision to not be here, has nothing to do with you, Caleb. She is upset with me, not you. But, I'm trying to fix that, so we all can be together again." Samuel said with his nod, as his tall frame rose and he met his sons blue eyes with his own, his eyes then scouring his room to ensure everything was settled before he took his leave.

"What did you do dad?" Caleb questioned as Samuel began to walk towards the door, his question stopping his father as he reached for the knob.

"I hurt her, Caleb." Samuel said quietly with a shake of his head, not looking back at his son as his own mind was now recalling just exactly what he had done to find himself in this position. "I hurt her real bad." His voice trailing away and sounding far off and he continued his inward reflection.

"In combat training?" Caleb questioned, watching his fathers demeanor shift.

"No, Caleb." Samuel sighed out and dipped his head, running a hand through the long locks on his head once more. "I hurt her on the inside. Far worse than a physical hurt."

"Why?" Caleb questioned, garnering a side glance from his father before he once again shook his head.

"I don't know why I did it.. but I did, and I need to fix it." Samuel said heavily in a deep low tone as he opened the door. "Go to bed, I'll see in the morning for training."

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