Baiting with Breadcrumbs

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It was well into late morning, right before the day shifted into the early afternoon when Scarlett finally rose on her own accord. She had slept like the dead and awoke in a light state of confusion, momentarily forgetting where she was and just how she ended up in the cottage. The sun was blaring through the windowed wall and the sounds of birds chirping accompanied her rise.

Slowly she shifted up in the bed, and took in her environment, a sensation of dread filling her chest as she once again remembered that she was back within captivity. Her mind quickly diverted to Terry and Eleanor and how worried they must have been at her disappearance. They had been so kind to her and Samuel swept in to call upon her once more, not even permitting her a chance to say goodbye.

She felt like a fool for allowing him to have such a control over her. She had such little control when it came to him. In the beginning she resisted him and fought him and their bond, but now she could not match her previous strength. He had called and pulled her back, and she quickly caved, latching onto him like a lost puppy in pursuit of food and a home.

In his absence, she felt an immediate regret. She being afforded time to herself and a mental clarity, in which she was incapable of deriving when he was present. When he looked at her with those deep blue eyes swirling in a sea of unspoken emotion, matched with a stoic face cast of stone, she was incredibly weak. In his absence, she had clarity.

A sigh erupted from her lips as she shifted up in the bed, and once again took in the familiar surroundings. He had brought her to the cottage he was so proud of deriving on his own accord, the one he reminded her over and over again that he had built as a gift to her. The place where she marked him, and he subsequently threw and hit her into a wall. The place where opened up, and actually started speaking to her.

She didn't know why he had brought her back here, as opposed to his quarters, but she was grateful. She didn't know if she could handle him at the moment. She didn't know if she could face seeing him, now that her adrenaline had faded and she was met with a clear mind. In fact, she had an intense desire to once again run, now that he was no longer present. Her skin was crawling and her feet were burning and itching to take off. She was stronger than this. She did it once, she could do it again.

Just as her courage and gusto was building and she began to rise out of the bed in a twitching anxious manner, the sound of the front door of the cottage opening and closing immediately stripped it away. Her body had grown rigid and she tensed in stress and unease, as heavy footsteps sounded down the hall, the persons scent being unfamiliar to her and putting her even more at unease, the closer it neared.

Her brown eyes shot over to the large burly young man, who entered the bedroom with zero trepidation in his steps. He had deep green eyes and icy blonde hair, and his jaw was tense as he took in her own posture and demeanor. The two of them evaluated each other for a minute before his deep tone finally cut the silence of the room.

"I know what you're thinking, and it's not going to happen." The man said, his eyes fixated on hers as they promised her that she would not be doing a little cross country run. "The Alpha has given clear orders that you be detained by any means necessary, and I will not hesitate to hurt you, if necessary." His head tilted as he folded his arms across his broad chest, and he continued to analyze her posture. "Your move, lady Jacobsen." He said with a light shrug, affording her an option to do as she pleased, knowing the inevitable outcome, either way.

Scarlett's jaw tensed and her shoulders broadened as she matched his stare. Once again she was subject to the faults of the mate bond. While Samuel was not present to clearly articulate her thoughts, he was close enough to pick up on her rapid increase in anxious emotions, and absolutely alerted his furry little henchmen to give her warning.

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