The Lions Head

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Jonah walking with Scarlett through the main pack houses main floor, garnered some curious stares, exclusively directed to him which he quickly quelled with a harsh look, reminding them to mind their business. It did not take them long to arrive at the Alphas office, Samuels deep voice permitting entrance as they drew near the door without their needing to knock. The Master Beta opened the door guiding her to enter and then pulled it shut as soon as she stepped in. She looked back at the door, a bit shocked at Jonah's abrupt exit, but the Master Beta wanted to get started in his efforts right way. Jonah, also equally knowing, the Alpha would not appreciate his company in the moment,  as he was the reason for the delay in the Alpha seeing his mate.

Samuels blue eyes were heavy on her frame, she noticing it as soon as she turned away from the door and looked over at him as he sat behind his desk. "Come, Scarlett." He said, with a hand movement coupling his command, her steps quick to follow his direction as she smiled warmly at him.

"You had me worried, Sam. You should have told me you were sending someone else." She said as she reached his side, his chair swiveling to face her and his arms immediately reaching out to pull her into a seated position across his lap.

Her body warmed as he dove his nose into her neck, his arms holding her tightly about her waist as he maintained their close proximity. She found him being incredibly affectionate, her assumption being that her absence had made his heart grow fonder and she sank into his firm hold in bliss. The electric sensations that formed were intense, as his nose trailed down her shoulder, and then her bicep where it dragged down to her wrist. When he grabbed her opposite arm, and trailed his nose from her wrist up to her shoulder, shifting her body with his free hand, it became evident what he was doing.

He wasn't being affectionate, he was scenting her. He was being incredibly possessive of her in this moment, ensuring that Jonah had not disrespected him, by touching her in anyway. While she found his possessive actions, a little heartwarming. She also found it, to be equally, a little annoying. The latter notion derived, only because she had initially believed he was attempting to be loving with her.

"He didn't touch me, Sam." She said heavily, as his nose trailed back to her neck and dipped down to her chest, where he took a couple of just to be sure deep inhales, before he had contented himself. His blue eyes meeting hers, a bit darker than normal from his paranoid fixation, of making sure her scent had not been disturbed.

He stared at her for a moment, failing to see the reason why she felt she had to say something. He would have still scented her anyway, to confirm for himself, that she in fact, went untouched. It wasn't anything personal against Jonah, as he was one of his closest confidantes, but Samuel literally trusted no one, when it came to her. It was a necessary thing he needed to do, in order to soothe himself. Her words on the matter were a complete waste.

"Tell me about your day at the center, Scarlett." He said, as he grabbed his scotch and leaned back into his chair, his eyes watching her with his usual expression.

His words were carefully selected, as he absolutely had zero interest in whatever her and Jonah had discussed. During her walk with Jonah, her perspective had once again changed in regards to Jonah personally, as she no longer found him so distasteful. However, Samuel kept the same perspective on Rose, and did not wish to participate in a conversation regarding her, not one bit. She was a disturbance to his own mate, and it would be near impossible to shift his own perspective in the matter.

"Well.." she said with a sigh, a hand reaching up to gently circle at his tight chest through his soft shirt, an action she did, that they both equally enjoyed. Her soft brown eyes looking up to his with light upset. "It wasn't the best day, to be honest." She shook her head, and flickered her eyes away.

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