A Private Place

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When they reached the main hall, instead of diverting to either his study or the pathway back to his room, Samuel directed her by tugs at her leash to head in the direction towards the main entrance door. Her ankles wobbled in the red heels as she hit the gravel path, he paused only momentarily in order to direct her to remove them, which she did carefully with an unsure hand holding onto his bicep to steady her stand as she lifted one foot at a time. Her bare feet met the gravel, and the hand that once steadied her, held the heels by their straps, her nose inhaling deeply the scent of the fresh air mitigating the uncomfortable sensation of her soles on the pebble lined road.

"Where are we going Alpha?" she questioned quietly, as he resumed his walk only providing her with a gentle tug indicating her to return to her follow.

"We're taking a walk." his response was blunt and his stride was long, causing her pace to pick up as she felt the distance made under the direction of the leash.

"Can I take off the blindfold?" she questioned with a wincing expression unseen due to the cloth around her eyes.

"No." he said firmly, as he continued to lead her, his frame slowly drifting to the side with an accompanying hand pulling at the leash to direct her feet onto the grass instead of the rocky terrain.

"Where are we walking to?" she questioned again, as she kept his pace much more easily now that her feet weren't faltering with each step.

"Quiet, Scarlett. You will see." he said firmly, calling an end to their conversation for the time being as he diverted her into the woods, and pulled her back onto a dusty trail where they continued their progress.


Their brisk walk continued for a half an hour, with nothing but the sounds of the forest to keep them company. Though she was unable to see, she felt at ease with the quiet. The pull of the leash and the sound of his footsteps, creating a sense of comfort within her, as she knew she was safe as long as he was present.

His hand wrapping around the leash and shortening its length even more, signaled her to stop. When she reached a complete stop, he moved in front of her and undid the blindfold, her brown eyes meeting his blue expectant ones as his hand lingered at the clasp of her leash. She raised to her toes and planted a kiss on his lips, producing movement in his fingers as he held the kiss and removed the leashes hold on her collar.

When he stepped away and tucked the end of the leash into his back pocket, he stood at her side as her eyes caressed a quaint cottage at the side of the lake. It was newly constructed, as evident of the excess materials that laid on the ground to the side, and the freshly turned soil surrounding it with new plants embedded within it, with their empty plastic pots lined to the side.

"Where are we, Alpha?" she asked, as he pressed his hand to the small of her back and directed her forward, he obviously taking note of Jonah's actions with Rose.

"Samuel." he corrected her, as he walked her up to the front steps of the cottage to the front door.

"Where are we, Samuel?" she asked looking over to him as he opened the door and guided her into the cottage.

"This will be our temporary quarters, in about a weeks time, give or take. Depending on your body." his blue eyes looking around the cottage, which at present was minimally furnished. "It still needs some work." he said with a nod, as his hand fell from her back and he walked further into it, and stepped down a few steps into the room that could only be considered the living room. The back wall of the room, was not a wall at all, but it was constructed of a large window that gave way to the shimmering lake behind it.

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