The Bad Jacobsen

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Samuel bit his lower lip, the moment she leaned forward and placed a kiss on the sensitive spot that bore his new mark. His body became overrun with a warmth that flowed through him and spread with the prickling tingling sensations following its path, causing his bodies hair to raise from the electric sensations derived from her action. Her small gentle gesture, was overwhelming to both his body and mind due to the intensity of his physical response to her careful attention.

He cleared his throat, and his head turned to take in the side of her dipped head, his lungs pulling in and pushing out long deep breathes under the guidance of his nose as he tried to quell his rapidly beating heart. It was a completely new sensation to him, his bodies reaction. It too, made him uncomfortable, as he felt he was melting under her touch as his body was engulfed in an entirely new pleasurable sensation, and yet his body in actuality had gone complete rigid, as if his blood was replaced with cement and he had turned to stone.

When she felt his large form tense, she gave him the reprieve of removing her lips from his mark, her arms tucking elbows on each side of his neck, on top of his shoulders, allowing her hands to run gentle scratching fingertips into his hair to soothe the upset she imagined he felt. For a moment, she pressed her forehead against his, the action he was fond of utilizing with her, providing him with a non-invasive mental connection in order to bring him comfort.

"Thank you, Sam." She said quietly, in complete honesty. Knowing it was difficult for him to allow her to see and feel the mark that was freshly planted on his flesh, as well as, in his mind and chest. Her eyes looked at his closed lids and saw in their peripheral his still tensing jaw, beckoning her to place her lips softly on his, to further ease his troubled state. It proving effective as his free hand moved to her hip and gave it a light squeeze as he slowly began to return her lips affection, his breathing normalizing little by little, as they cared for one another as they normally would, prior to her marking of him.

When he pulled away, his eyes had deepened to navy blue as he watched her features, before he once again cleared his throat and flickered them off to the side, finding her soft brown eyes too difficult to look at in the moment. "Your temperature has regulated." His tone was that of his usual, as he spoke matter of factly. "Your scent is still potent, but I feel as if your heat has been disrupted from the upset. I've heard it can happen.. with mated pairs." His words softening in volume towards the end.

His own words allowed his mind to begin to compartmentalize his fractured thoughts and put them away. Samuel choosing not to focus on the actual situation, but speak about it as if he was removed from it, and stating what knowledge he knew on the matter.

"I don't believe your drive will return." He said looking back at her. "However, it's best we stay for another day or so, until your fragrance softens."

"Okay, Samuel." She said watching him carefully as he simultaneously relaxed his shoulders only to straighten them again with less strain.

"We should eat." He said as he grabbed his shirt and began to slip it over her head, cloaking her body in its material with her arms added assistance.

It was obvious he was actively disengaging from the once pressing and devastating topic. He was trying to normalize their interaction and pull away from the awkward uncomfortable stress of it. He had did what he could manage and was now calling an end to it.

"Yes, Samuel." She said with a nod as her eyes dropped to her hands where they began to fidget within themselves, now that the moment had passed.


"What is it Scarlett?" He questioned, his head allowing his blue eyes to peer at her over his shoulder, as he crouched in front of the fireplace, he currently in the middle of stacking logs in order to build a fire.

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