In and Out of Consciousness

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Samuel woke up, with a half filled glass of scotch in hand and his head depressed against the paperwork splayed out on his desk. It was 5am, and his bodies internal clock was urging him to rise. He had managed to be productive the night before, finding himself successful with the separation from the beautiful redhead. However, his head throbbed as he took in too much liquor to quell the perseverative thoughts that attempted to encroach upon the forefront of his mind.

His free hand tensely rubbed at his forehead before dropping down to do the same to his eyes, his calloused hand running away the tense fatigue of his face in its entirety, before the job was considered done. Deep blue eyes flickered to the time on the idle screensaver of his laptop screen and a sigh erupted from his lips, as he knew it was time to get Caleb and take him out for their morning routine. For the first time ever, Samuel had absolutely no desire to do so. However, he was a man of obligation, and would not be a disappointment to his own son.

A heavy swig was taken of the remaining room temperature scotch, partially diluted from the ice cubes used to chill it the night prior. He halving the half filled glass as a means to take a bite of the hair of the dog, and chase the pulsating temples from their prevalence in the front of his skull. His tall frame rose, and slow lumbered steps were made out the office door, as he began his walk through the large structure. His steps were more than leisurely, as he took his time in order to shake the fatigue from his system, heavy footed movement on each step of all three flights of stairs.

He did not acknowledge the guards who gave him a nod and greeted him by his title as he passed, his eyes remained dull and his throat was dry, yet coated with a thick mucus, all at the same time. It was going to be a rough morning for the Alpha, this only confirmed as her scent attacked him, halfway up the third flight of stairs.

A whipping swirling invisible force which beckoned his steps to become quicker and made his heavy thumping heart beat frantically in excited alarm. A groan emitted from the base of his throat, filled with annoyance at how much she effected him the closer he got to their shared room. Thoughts began to attack him, and slam back and forth within the cradle of his skull, as his mind entirely began to be consumed with her.

Did she sleep? Was she awake? Did she think about him? Was she hungry? Was she thirsty? Did she miss him? Did she want him? Did she want him deep inside of her? Did she need to be filled by him? Was she craving him? How was her night without him? Was it unbearable? Did she need a taste of him?

He shook his head, as if he had been struck by a strong hand, jarring the thoughts momentarily back to the depths from where they came. Walking down the long wooded hall to his room, with the sensation of floating, as his feet began to move more quickly without conscious direction. As soon as his hand went on the handle and the keys were gently coaxed into the lock, he took a deep breath before he entered the room with a stealth like quiet.

Much like a burglar breaking into a home, he tiptoed into the room, eyeing her like a sleeping alarm dog. He internally thanking God, she was at rest as he walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth before following up with two swishing mouthfuls of mouth wash. Affording himself the much welcomed reprieve of a heavy handed face wash which ended with wet digits slicking back his disheveled hair. When he looked in the mirror, he felt a little more alive, a little more refreshed.

However, it was not enough and dragging limbs began to strip the clothes from the night prior, in order for his frame to garner further relief with a cold shower. Her heat was not what he expected or anticipated, the effect it had on his clarity of mind was daunting and he was using incredible will power to fight against the overwhelming desire to attach himself to her and mold their bodies into one. She was like a succubus, leaching away his energy and free will, consuming his own bodies direction, as she lay there innocently asleep in his bed.

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