The Predators and Their Prey

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"Caleb, my boy. You have done well." Torsten said as his grandson appeared to check his own trap.

"Did we catch anything?" He quickly reached his grandfathers side and took in the large cat fish who had swam into his mechanism and was unable to leave its depths.

"Did you doubt yourself?" Torsten asked flickering his blue eyes over to the young boy, as he pulled the trap from the water, the fish flopping as it was removed from its element and met the crisp air of the day. "Come, let's gut and clean it, and I will tell you the story of Samson and Delilah."

"Who are they?" Caleb questioned, following his grandfathers heavy footsteps, as he walked towards a large array bulbous shelflike rocks.

"Samson, was once a great and powerful man, with incredible strength and extraordinary capabilities, much like our own." Torsten said as he grabbed the gasping flopping fish out of the trap, being mindful of its barbed fins, and then proceeded to slap it roughly against the gray rock permanently stopping its movements. "And Delilah was the woman who brought about his eventual demise."

"A woman?" Caleb questioned, not computing how a man of such abilities, could be taken down by a woman.

"No woman can be trusted, Caleb. Especially not those who are allowed to enter a mans bed, they are the most dangerous." The older man stared intently into his grandsons eyes as he spoke truthfully, Caleb was still young, and Torsten still had time to correct the damage his father was doing.

Samuel was unwell. He had always been easily affected by the females he found himself around. Caleb could still be saved from his fathers affliction. He didn't have to suffer like his father did, and live in constant turmoil from his own lack of control.

Caleb needed someone of solid ground to stabilize and shape his young perspective. Someone strong and stout, who had weathered the storm of more years and experience. Someone who lived and breathed the values of their family lineage and its tradition. Torsten would make it right, while his son faltered, Caleb was going to be okay.


Scarlett had successfully managed to hold out from Samuels continued pursuit of her, after his son had been sent to bed for the night, much to the annoyance of Samuel. The close proximity of their newfound sleeping position, wasn't much help either. Playful Samuel was gone, and moody Samuel came out with the bitterness derived from his knowing he could have definitely had her, we're it not for his sons interruption.

He eventually grumbled himself to sleep, adopting the earlier bed time she pushed for, and choosing to sleep rather than continue to have his advances rejected over and over again to a frustrating point. When he awoke in the morning, and did so on his own accord, he had an energetic vigor about him which made Scarlett wish she had never pushed for him to seek more rest. He was relentless in their early morning session, and even more handsy with her during their shower. The only positive about his bursting vitality, was that he seemed to be in good spirits, affording the two of them more smirks and laughs than his usual temperament.

His warriors also did not appreciate Samuel and his undisrupted sleep, nor did his betas. He had lead the most intense training session yet, since his return to leading them. Men dropped like flies, one by one, their faltering brought on by the Alphas unrelenting energy. Some went to the sick bay, others slumped to the garden for weeding detail, and the rest could be found meticulously cleaning the pack house to a sparkling point.

After his job was done, Samuel was quick to shower and change, meticulously styling his hair and cleaning up his beard, exclusively for her. He felt exceptionally good today. His muscles were swelled and bulging from his activity, and his skin had a healthier glow to it. He had an incredible desire to be absolutely un-resistable to her today. She was a sure bet, he was definitely going to get some, because he kept his end of the deal, but he wanted her to beg for it. He wanted her to be so enamored with him, that she begged for her body to be afflicted with his affection.

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