Tired Frustration

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"Keep going, Scarlett." Samuel said dryly, as he watched her struggle to complete the remaining suicides. She was covered in sweat and her breathing was incredibly shaky at best, her cheeks were flushed and her ponytails structure was crumbling. Caleb was watching her energy dwindle with an excited eagerness, she was thoroughly exhausted. Despite her being required to conduct more exercises than him, in his five year old brain, all he could see was himself winning the last race back.

"Come on, slowpoke." Caleb chided matching his fathers arm fold, earning a stern side glance from the Alpha which went unnoticed as he was relishing in the fact that Scarlett would be unable to smack talk him today.

"I don't see either of you guys doing this." She gritted out as her frame lost all its rigidness, her dip to touch the ground extremely lax as she huffed and continued her forward movements at a rapidly slowing pace.

She would almost immediately regret her statement as Samuel rushed forward and gripped her by the bicep, forcing her speed to increase, as he began to drag her to each point and back. He was ensuring she finished what he had ordered to be done, without collapsing. He knew she could do it, she just needed a little push, and by push that meant to be, under his firm holds direction. He practically dragged her like a rag doll as she was forced to adopt his speed, she realizing in this moment that she would never mention the Alpha not conducting his own exercising ever again.

After twelve rapid fire suicides, he crossed the imaginary finishing line exuding an incredible amount of grace, she fell abruptly as her legs collapsed out from underneath her in a wobbling loss of strength. She would have completely flattened across the grass had it not been for quick acting hands catching her fall. Her head dipped down and her body shuddered as it physically hurt to breathe.

"You did well." Samuel said giving her a rewarding affectionate pat to the back of her head, on top of her ponytail. "So well, I'm going to give you additional trainings. We'll start this afternoon." He said with a deep nod and a look of satisfaction in his proud eyes which rested within his otherwise stony expression, choosing to ignore her groan of complaint at his words.

"I'd rather you give me a day off, or something along those lines." She said with a head shake as her elbows dipped to the ground and her body further leaned down in its exhaustion.

"You cannot strengthen without work." Samuel said back dismissing her want for reprieve.

"Caleb is the future Alpha, not me. He's the one that should be doubling his workload, not me." She let out a deep cough, further clearing the heavy breaths from the base of her throat, before she sat up on her knees and looked at him in extreme fatigue.

"Caleb has earned a reprieve from suicides. You have earned double." The Alpha replied without sympathy.

"How so?" She furrowed her brows in complete confusion, not knowing what she could have possibly done to earn such a taxing punishment.

"Next time, you'll stay awake." He responded vaguely due to Caleb's presence, before turning on his heel and missing her narrowing brows as she gave him a light glare. Finding him incredibly irritating, at the realization that he overworked her, because he was bitter about not getting laid. Her thoughts on the matter, he did not miss, which made a smirk slowly curve on his lips.

"I'll take doubles from now on." She said pushing herself up, and quickly following his long strides as he headed back to the mansion. "I quite prefer the extra sleep." Her words coming out with duplicitous meaning, a bit of sass reaching her tone as she caught up to him.

"Then we can triple them, and lengthen your sessions. Since, you'll be better rested." Samuel said back in complete ease, if she was trying to threaten him with the loss of sex completely, he would absolutely make her life miserable until she caved. He also wouldn't play fair, he'd make her want him in time, even if she tried to hold out.

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