Give and Take

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Samuel rose early to collect his son, he carefully unwrapped himself from Scarlett and silently dressed. Scarlett had always appreciated her sleep, and frequently begged for reprieves from training, and so he hoped she would not be upset at his leaving her behind. While she complained and whined, those were just traits molded into her character, and shaped by him. Either way she would receive benefits from the behavior, as sometimes it would work, and other times he found it adorable.

However, he had a very real sneaking suspicion that she would be hurt, that he opted to not bring her. While she frequently complained, she had grown to love waking up early with the two and joining them. She loved the way the sun felt on her skin as it was rising, and she loved badgering and challenging Caleb to no end, as she found his ruffled feathered responses equally adorable. She even came to love the way her body felt, after being under Samuels guided direction. She had grown to love their shared activity so much, sharing the same passion for it as Samuel did, that she kept it a part of her day, when she could have chosen to stay in and stagnate in bed.

Samuel had found himself in between a rock and a hard place. His son felt neglected and was worried his father had fallen too hard and too fast, and in turn, his mate felt abruptly rejected and was hurt by his sons jaded view of her. The Alpha was now going to have to divide his time between the two of them, as the luxury of enjoying them together, was currently not an option, something of which upset him immensely.

Originally, when Samuel had discovered his mate, and rapidly rectified the matter of her being on a hostile territory, he had no game plan for the two. He quickly decided, rather foolishly, that he would keep them separate and enjoy them individually. However, it was an entirely silly notion, as it would have been impossible to maintain. They had just as quickly discovered one another, and even more quickly, had bonded to one another.

He found she had quickly grown just as fond of their little makeshift family. Scarlett had brought about changes that he only saw to be positive. She encouraged Caleb to play, and she encouraged his drive through his own competitive nature. She brought a softness to the males environment, and tempered Samuels rough, quick to escalate anger. She brought about more love, as the two males actively sought after her attention and affection, to the point of competing for it.

However, Samuel was never lucky in life, and good things never seemed to last. It was now time to give it a rest, to give the two a break from one another, in the hopes that it would prove beneficial towards their eventual rekindling. The Alpha would find himself in a state of incompletion, but his mate and son would be the better for it. Caleb would see and feel that his fathers affection for him had never changed, and hopefully see that his father had not been afflicted as he had feared. Scarlett on the other hand, would be sheltered from his sons current aggression towards her, something that Samuel was personally responsible for shaping and molding in him. His mate was also older, and more sensitive, she would be understanding for the need for it.


The next few days were incredibly draining on Samuel, for multiple reasons. Caleb found his usual bubbling demeanor, but failed to meet his previous drive that he once had in his trainings. The Alpha found his faltering incredibly frustrating, but hid his disappointment well, and only chose to tax him further.

The three of them still shared breakfast and dinner together, as that was non-negotiable in Samuels eyes, as he had to make sure they both were properly fed. However, their usual chatter was gone and what was said, was usually between the two males, Scarlett had turned quiet. She was still a good girl, but had lost the comfortability she had once found with the two of them, more so Caleb. And so, she opted to interact as little as possible, when he was present.

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