Chapter 31: Talk

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____August 21, 1935____

After the major victory against the Royal Navy at Fort San Pedro and the meeting between the leaders of every Asian country, it strengthened their resolve to stop the Imperialist movement and finally focus on progressing their society.

He could only breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the issue had been settled.

That was until he received a letter from Brooker. Horror dawned on his face as the general described the terrible actions of the soldiers present on the field. The blatant abuse of power from the soldiers especially those from the Southern Provinces.

Disappointment bleed into frustration as he could only remove his glasses and rub his eyes. He knows that if Congress learns about this the peace that both North and South have desperately maintained is going to be broken.

He has to call the cabinet, not only to seek an immediate solution but also a way to ensure that this situation won't ever happen again.


The meeting room was filled with the secretaries he had appointed. Many of them were men he trusted during the revolution. Many of them wanted to push their agenda, yet among them all, one stood out the most.

He looked at his old friend, who has stood by him since phase one of the Revolution—the man who currently presides over the War Department.

He knows that the past few months have been tough considering the many controversies surrounding the Navy that he has been trying to resolve. It's just that he knows something is wrong considering the man has been nothing but silent. His silence speaks volumes.

Truly a man who stood by his ideals despite the situation not being in his favor.

"I have called you all today because of a letter I have received from General Karl Brooker," he said, lifting the letter. The secretaries looked at it with worry, knowing that the respectable general wouldn't send a letter directly to the President unless it was dire.

"He has requested us to see if there is a possible way of ending slavery within our country... According to the letter Southern soldiers are abusing the power granted to them, pushing black free men and women into slavery," he continued as the secretaries looked upon each other. Many of them wore a different expression. The more prominent ones have an expression of horror written on their faces.

While others whispered to each other, their reactions showing disgust towards the blatant disregard of equal rights was being placed in front, for the entire world to see.

Not only that but it would also cause the extermination of the membership in the Coalition and they desperately don't want that to happen.

"Secretary Newhiskey since you're the Secretary of State, could you please take the stage," He said as the man nodded and stood up.

"According to our general consensus of the matter from all branches of our governement, we have agreed that the issue of slavery will only be addressed on the year of 1940. This is due to the fear that Southern Provinces may revolt if we take away their main economic factors," He said while the other secretaries gave their silent agreements.

"If we allow ourselves to meddle with the Legislative affairs of the provinces then we are denying our people the freedom we keep proclaiming to protect," Dwayne finished while Ken Drick nodded and turned to the other secretaries.

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