Chapter 310 - 311

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Chapter 310 Mo Yan survives the tribulation

The bright moonlight decorates the night sky of Kunlun Ruins and also decorates the earth.

The night sky is like an endless transparent sea, quiet, vast and mysterious.

The dense stars are like small sparks in the sea water, twinkling and dancing with tiny points of light.

The battle with the demons ended unexpectedly quickly. Half a month after Yu Tianyan and the others took action, the top leaders of the major forces returned and wiped out the demons. In order to retain their vitality, the demons retreated in time.

After going through a series of quarrels with the demons and demanding post-war compensation, the demons could no longer stand up.

Now, several years have passed since the war with the demons, and the calm after the war will finally be broken.

Qi Rui and Ye Bei looked at the distant sky and felt an unreal feeling.

"Beibei, ten years have really gone by in a blink of an eye. After all, I'm an old man now."

Ten years later, Ye Bei's eyebrows remained the same, and he just looked at the sighing man next to him. rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean by this? You are an old uncle, who am I?"

Qi Rui knew he was going to be in trouble as soon as he heard this. How could he forget that he had a daughter-in-law who was much older than him?

"Ahem, a slip of the tongue, this must be the second Nascent Soul Tribulation coming!"

His skill in changing the topic was still so poor that Ye Bei was embarrassed to hold on to it.

What can I do? Just go down the slope!

"Yes, it was Ayan's thunder disaster. Ayan also waited too long for the bodies of Dou Bi and Qin Zeyu, otherwise he would not have waited until this time to transform into infants." Although Ye Bei said this, his tone

was There is no hint of disapproval. The more he is with Qi Rui, the more humane he becomes, and he is better able to understand some things that he did not understand well before.

Qi Rui obviously agreed with this, but he also had objections, "Second brother, the boss has protected him too well. Over the years, the boss and the others have often gone out to practice, while the second brother has been staying here to do research. , except for going to the small world controlled by the demons to collect resources, he has never left."

Qi Rui had nothing to say to his otaku disciple. If he had known better, he would not have established any rules and directly threw those two people into disrepute. Just reshape the furnace. I regret it until my intestines turn green.

Seeing Qi Rui's expression of hatred mixed with pride, Ye Bei couldn't help but smile.

"It's a trivial matter for a monk to stay in seclusion for hundreds and thousands of years. Ayan just hasn't been out and about for a few years, so

he's not good anywhere." Well, Qi curled his lips, didn't he just say it! This is still up for grabs.

Ye Bei smiled and patted Qi Rui's chest, his bright eyes shining brightly under the starry sky.

"Ayan, is this the last one? I wonder if you can advance to the middle realm of He Yuan with this?"

Qi Rui looked at the thunder-filled distance, shook his head slightly and sighed.

"I guess it won't work. The He Yuan realm has been freed from the shackles of life and death since the beginning, and the system no longer issues tasks. I want to use this to break through, but I'm afraid it's not possible. However, I should still be able to get something small from the system."

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