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Time Skip 2 Years Later

"Jimin Will you marry me?"

Jimin popped up from bed, as Jungkook handed him a tray of breakfast, everything looked so delicious, but the breakfast wasn't what Jimin was focused on, it was the words that Jungkook had just said.

'"Will you Marry Me.'"

"Can you say that again."

He whispered, looking up at Jungkook with wide eyes that were glossing over with tears.

Jungkook smiled his all too familiar cute bunny smile, grabbing the breakfast tray from Jimin and placing it on the nightstand, he then Proceeded to grab Jimin's hand pulling him out of bed, Jimin felt a tear slide down his cheek as he watched Jungkook get on one knee still holding his hand.

"Jimin we've been through so much together and when I say that I truly mean it, you are my person my best friend and my lover and I will go to the end of the world for you I love you so much Park Jimin, will you give me the honor of becoming my husband? Will you marry me?"

Jimin couldn't control his tears, as he begin crying and keeping his eyes on Jungkook, the younger smiled happily waiting for Jimin's answer.

"Yes! Fuck yes! I will marry you."

The older shouted happily, Jungkook smiled standing to his feet pulling a small black velvet case out from his apron pocket opening it and sliding the black trimmed ring onto Jimin's finger.

Jimin admired it for a second, finally pulling Jungkook towards him and hugging and kissing him.

"Gosh I love you so much."

Jimin whispered against Jungkook's lips, kissing him a bit harder this time.

Jungkook smiled pulling away from the kiss but keeping his arms around his fiancée.

"I love you so very much."

The younger whispered kissing his future husband once again.

"Let's eat breakfast."

He said finally pulling completely away from Jimin, the older nodded as The both climbed back into bed and shared the yummy breakfast Jungkook had made for them.


"So you finally proposed."

Yoongi said, as he approached Jungkook the two had decided to meet for lunch.

"Yes, and he said yes."

The younger said smiling happily.

"So why did you say you wanted to get my approval? You already proposed and got a 'Yes.'"

The older replied, taking a sip of his Americano.

"Well I just wanted to lure you out of your very very dark hole Mr. Min."

Jungkook teased, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes.

"Thank you for that.. it's just been so empty"

Yoongi mumbled.

He and Taehyung decided to break it off, because Taehyung cheated on him with one of his college friends.

Yoongi only found out because he caught them, so one day he had decided to surprise Tae at School, he had bought them food to eat on the courtyard under a tree like a picnic, so he went to the stop they usually say at since it was further away from college students, and as Tae came into view he was heavily making out with some girl, and Yoongi was broken.

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