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The smell of freshly brewed coffee, and delicious food wafted throughout the house, making Tae stir in his sleep and his eyes fluttered open, he looked around the dark room and noticed Yoongi no longer laying next to him, he sighed feeling cold and then decided to get up and so he did forgetting that he was butt ass naked.


Tae whispered, as he seen Yoongi hovered over the stove, making him smile slightly.

"Good morning Tae..."

Yoongi burst out laughing, as he took the Younger's appearance in, and well he was naked, he slowly walked towards Tae and smirked.

"So are you trying to tease me or something?"

He asked, poking the younger's cheek.


Tae asked, sounding confused.

"Well my guess is that you came out naked so you could get my attention."

The older said, as he pointed down and then back up, making Tae's cheeks turn crimson.

"Fuck.. I forgot.."

Tae said, as he pushed past the raven and back into the room so he could get dressed.

Yoongi laughed, rushing back to the pan, as he begin cooking once again.

. . . .

Tae quickly pulled on clothes, washed his face and quickly rushed back into the kitchen.

"Sorry about that."

He said, as Yoongi laughed once again.

"No need... I've already seen everything.."

He replied, making Tae blush once again.

"How'd you sleep?"

Yoongi asked, as he begin serving them.

"I slept amazing, your bed is super comfortable."

Tae replied, watching as Yoongi set down the plate in front of him.

"Good, now eat."

Yoongi said, as he sat next to him with his own plate and the two begin eating together.


"Rise and Shine!"

Kim said, as she shook Jimin, making him whine.

"I don't want too."

He replied.

"We have work!"

Kim said, and with that Jimin quickly sat up.

"Fuck I forgot."

He grumbled.

"We have an hour, so hurry up."

Kim said, as she headed to the kitchen and started the coffee.

Jimin nodded, heading towards his bathroom so he could shower and get ready for a work day.

. . . .

"So what's going to happen?"

Jin asked, as Jungkook sat at the table sipping coffee.

"I give him his time and space.."

The younger replied, making the older roll his eyes.

"What if he chooses Yoongi?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"Then he chooses Yoongi."

He replied, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

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