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There he was.

Except, his overall look didn't feature his most prominent traits. Not the ones I remember.

For starters, his hair was scrunched up into a chaotic bun, curls falling out all over the place. It somewhat resembled Isabela's new hairstyle.

His ruana was noticeably absent, replaced by what I recognised as pajamas. A new pair though, even from a distance he'd clearly grown over a span of a year.

The once uplifted teenage boy was a now a downcast man. Eighteen. Jeez, I remember when he was only three months older. According to the laws of age, he would technically be a year and three months older now.

The bright, glowing pupils I remembered were now dull circles. It gave me that hollow feeling just looking at them. Not to mention the grey lines framing his eyes, circles signifying limited sleep.

His posture was slumped, his back hunched over as his lips pouted just slightly.

It made me want to turn around.

To go back to that senseless feeling of death, when I didn't have to know about any thing else.

Yet it also made me want to run straight into his arms, like none of the past events had ever happened. Like it was just me and him, him and me forever. Nothing else left to trouble us again.

Seeing him like this gave me such mixed emotions I didn't know what to do.

So I did the only thing I could do.

Just, look.

-Camilo's pov-

"CAMILO!" I groaned at the sound of Isabela's voice booming from outside my room. I made my way outside my room, carelessly opening the door. As I took a step out my room, I practically tripped on nothing. Causing my body to fall straight over on the ground.

I rolled my eyes at my own clumsiness, pulling myself off the ground with the help of casita's railing. I pulled my gaze over to the floor below me, expecting to see Isabela.

But no.

It was far from what I expected.

It was Sierra.

Sierra with those, those same divine eyes I thought I'd never come across again.

Her brown hair flowing like it used to.

Her skin shimmering against the warm sunlight like it used to.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was clearly taken aback. It felt like I was in a dream, nightmare? At this point I couldn't pinpoint the differences. I'd grown used to the repeated nightmare occuring every night. So, it basically was a dream to me now.

"Nope I'm still asleep," I mumbled, quickly walking back into the comfort of my own room.

This is a dream.

But if it's a dream...

Why do I feel so awake?

Is that really Sia?

But she's dead.

I watched it.

I ran over a couple different conclusions, eventually reaching the answer that I might be dreaming but it's worth a try.

I busted down my door once more, it was noticeably faded in colour though. I hadn't used my powers since that unfortunate night. The only reason there was any colour in it was because I still used my bedroom, as a bedroom.

I skid across the ramp-stairs. Casita had flipped the staircqse nto a slide type of thing.

Before I knew it, I had tackled Sierra on the floor, me lying on top of her.

I heard her nostalgic voice giggle, the laugh I'd grown to love. The laugh I used to hear everyday.

Now maybe, just maybe...

I'll get to hear it everyday again.

Tears flooded my eyes, I sniffled at a runny nose.

The last time I cried this much was when she died.

"Y-you left m-me!" I wailed into her shoulder as she sat up. I heard her begin to cry too, for our unexpected reunion.

"I know, I'm so sorry," she spoke under her breath, the words just barely audible over my louds sobs.

I didn't even take notice of my family gathered next to us, even if I did, I wouldn't have cared. In this moment, it's about Sierra and me.

I cried, "I love you, way more than I could e-ever t-tell you."

This was it, the thing I'd been longing for. When she plants her lips on mine, her hands cupping my face while she leant in. I copied, her breaths shaking as I felt them hit my skin. She was, everything I needed.

I hesitated to let go when she pulled back, her face still close to mine.

Her touch is so much more than I could've imagined.

"You look good in a bun," she joked, a grin creeping up on her face.

"I'll have to tie it up more," I chuckled through my sniffles, a sheepish smile rose from my lips. The first time I smiled in, over a year.

I sat my forehead against hers before mumbling, "the second you turn eighteen, I'm proposing."

"I would be honoured."

Two options here, I could finish Backstabbed at this chapter and immediately upload the first chapter of Telepathic.

Orrrr I write one more chapter of this book.

Honestly, depends what you guys want 👍👍

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now