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"Absolutely not."

Zero parts of me regretted my decision. Camilo meant everything to me, I wouldn't be able able live with myself if I fractured his mental health like that.

"Sierra, our parents are skilled. In every way I could possibly think of, if they aren't dead then they'll always find a way to get back at us."


"Or the precious candle."

I had enough of him.

"Then why don't YOU murder them!" I screamed at him, I really couldn't see any reason why he couldn't manage it himself.

"Isn't it obvious? The emotional impact! We've known them our ENTIRE lives and he doesn't even KNOW them!"

"It's still homicide!"

"ENOUGH!" Camilo jumped in, his voice booming over ours. We both silenced, both surprised and curious for what he had to say.

"Look, we aren't getting anywhere arguing. I trust Sierra fully, and if she says that we aren't murdering them... then we aren't."

Mateo gave him a sceptical look, before looking back at me and sighing, "fine. What perhaps do you propose we do instead?"


I hadn't really put much thought into this part. I'd assumed we'd be arguing enough for me to come up with something.
I realised both their eyes were on me, waiting for me to say something.

"My idea is that me and Milo wake up all the Madrigals and get them to safety in case our plan fails. I'm not sure where but Camilo might have an idea? Anyhow, we'll get Mateo to signify for our parents to come. The second they get through those blue doors we'll knock them out, tie them up, blah blah blah. We'll figure the rest out from there."

"Your plan has a couple flaws..." Mateo mumbled.

Camilo shot him a hostile face, "well can you come up with something better then?"

Mateo glowered at him, before pulling his sigh.

He always sighed for no reason, which began to irritate me deeply. I could tell Camilo felt the same way.

"We'll just have to trust that Sierra knows what she's doing. Now let's get started."

Camilo's grim expression faltered, conveying a slightly concerned but calm look.

I took Julieta's side of the family while he woke up his own, both of us shaking the sleeping Madrigals awake. All of them were grumpy to say the least, as it was practically midnight. But that feeling immediately shook off into fear, concern once I'd quickly summarised the scenario to each of them.

All of them obided to our instructions to hide in the basement. Credits to Camilo, it was a fantastic spot. Casita having a basement came as a slight surprise to me.

Casita was full of mysteries.

Not that I minded, if tonight went well I would have the rest of my life to uncover all obscurities hidden away.

When I headed down to the basement after Luisa, the entire family was huddled together. I could hear mumbles and whispers among them, confused about the sudden situation. Camilo was carrying a sobbing Tonito, I could see the worry in Milo's eyes.

He would bottle the ocean for his little brother, Antonio meant the world to him.

I envied such love, I'd only recently began wishing for a connection to Mateo. The one Camilo and Antonio had.

Abuela seemed to notice my staring, as she came up to me and embraced me in a warm hug. The lady had been nothing but kind to me ever since I met her, so I immediately accepted her affection.

When she pulled away she told me, "I don't have an exact idea of what's happening, but I trust that you and my nieto have it under control."

I grinned, not enough to reach my eyes but enough for her to see I took her words to heart. I truly appreciated the Madrigal's acceptance of me.

Dolores squeaked before informing us that an unrecognised voice was talking talking me and Camilo. Well, they were communicating through Dolores to us.

Me and Milo shared a look, before noiselessly making our way back to the main floor of la casa.

Both of us secured our spots, I had a somewhat heavy object in hand. I weaponised a frying pan while he morphed into Luisa. He didn't inherit her gift but she still had a strong frame to assist him.

We stood flat against the walls beside the front doors, each of us on either side. We waited in a deafening silence, anticipating the following events.

I could feel my body slightly drooping as I began sweating profusely, what if the plan doesn't work? What if the Madrigals die and I'm the one responsible for it?

I realised freaking out wasn't providing help for anyone, so I regained composure and slowed my breaths once more. We remained silent as the doors opened. The intruders were as silent as a mouse, I barely even noticed the door creaking.

I heard a loud shriek, followed by a crash sound effect. I leapt out from behind the door, worried for Camilo or Mateo's safety.

The scene unfolded before my eyes, barely giving me enough time to tell what would happen next.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now