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"Who are you?" Curiousity got the best of me.

"My name is, Tate Cordoba. It's basic I know," he sat down next to me. I wiped ny eyes while turning my head away, in hopes he wouldn't notice I had been crying. But it's likely he already saw.

"It's not, you have a lovely name, Tate Cordoba."

He chuckled, "Heh, I wish I could hear that more. I don't have, like, any friends. If you haven't already noticed, I live outside town. Which doesn't help my social situation."

"Oh, why?" I was thinking about telling him he would be better off in town, but it's not like I knew his living situation.

"Well, my Mama passed away in my current house, and my Dad is just attached."

"Well if it means that much to him, I know a girl who could help."

"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow, confused by my words.

"Luisa Madrigal, she has the gift of super strength. I've seen her lift houses, she could carry yours."

"I would laugh, but if you have mental issues then I don't want to be rude," he smiled amusingly, obviously not believing Luisa had powers.

"There's a family in the town of Encanto," I pointed at the town infront of us,"they were blessed with a miracle, and so the children were given gifts. To help the town of course."

"I, eh... I'll say I believe you, but I'd like to see it. Would you do the honour of serving as my tour guide?" He got up, reaching a hand down confidentially. He was extremely courteous.

I giggled, then wiping my eyes one last time before reaching for his hand.

"So we, run? Down the hill?"

"Duh," before he could say another word, I sprinted down the steep hill, pulling him with me.

I heard his shrieking as I laughed, it was always a pleasure to meet someone new.

When we reached the bottom, I flopped back on the grass.

"That was a rush!"

"That was terrifying." Tate's eyes were wide, both his hands on his knees while he panted heavily.

"Pfft, I've ran down steeper hills," I climbed up off the ground.

"You are the worst tourguide I've ever met. And we haven't even started!"

"I bet I'm the only tourguide you've ever met, and you get what you pay for."

"I didn't pay."


I snatched his hand, dragging him into town with me.

"You'd make a much better friend, anyways, where are these gifts?"
As if on que, Isabela came striding over, conjuring a bouquet then handing it to a child. She spotted me, running over to wrap me in a hug.

"Sierra! I was looking for you everywhere!" She pulled off, then noticing Tate.

"Oh, who's this?"

"This is Tate Cordoba, he lives barely outside town," I looked over to Tate, who was wide eyed, blushing profusely.

"Hey Tate, good to see Sierra is finally making new friends."

"I- hey! I have friends!"

"Really? Like who? And I'm talking about people outside the family."

"Well, there's Dom..."

"Go on."


"Seee! Anyways, try not to get her mad Tate, she's a handful."

I opened my mouth to argue, but she just strutted away before I could say any thing. I turned back to Tate, who was still in that condition.

"She's really pretty..."

"Yeah, but she is also 24 and possibly has a preference for girls."

"Oh, nevermind."

I rolled my eyes out of amusement, before dragging him over to Mirabel. Who was playing around with a crowd of kids.

The second I greeted Mirabel, all of the kids rotated, spotting Tate.

"NEWCOMER!" They all shouted excitedly in unison, then tackling him the ground in what seemed like a hug.

"Hey Sia, who's this?" She looked down at the poor guy, who was currently being interrogated by a pile of kids.

"Tate, he's new. We're looking for Luisa, have you seen her?"

"Luisa, uhh. I think she passed by that way." She nodded towards a path. I thanked her, before yanking Tate out of the children's grasp.

"Already a group of adoring fans, before you know it there'll be paparazzi crowding you."

"As if!"
We laughed at ourselves, before I spotted Maria and Camilo lined up at a churro stand.

An inevitable feeling washed over me. It was a mix of fury, envy, affliction.

Then extreme anguish.

I froze in my spot, displaying a blank face. I didn't even notice Tate shaking my shoulders, trying to snap me out of my trance.

That was when Camilo saw us, immediately rushing over. I grabbed Tate and pushed him infront of me, so I was hiding behind him.

"Uh, Sierra? What are you doing?" Tate looked over his shoulder, extremely confused.

"Sia! Uhh, hi?" I heard Camilo begin to speak to Tate, I listened in.

"Um, hey?" Tate sounded impressively polite.

"Can you, move, please? I'd like to speak to Sia."

"If she's hiding behind me then clearly she isn't interested," his once civil voice transformed into protective in seconds.

"No, that's not what I-... *sigh*... she's my girlfriend, alright?"

Tate whispered to me, "is he telling the truth?"



Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now