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"I love you too."

I recited her exact words in my head repeatedly. I would never get sick of hearing them. I adored Valerie more than I could put in words.

I was more than thrilled that she'd finally confessed, before she departed. I didn't know the exact date, but I suspected she'd be gone by the end of the week.


Ugh, really Dolores?

Our little moment was ended with Dolores standing in the entryway. Valerie quickly shuffled off of me, "oh! Um, hola Dolores."

Her voice was a little shaken up, as she was caught kissing me.

"I interrupted something, didn't I. HM!" Dolores squeaked again, waddling away to reveal a surprised Mirabel behind her.

"Ahem... so~..." she began speaking, "I was right! HAH!" She yelled, pointing her finger at us before running outside casita.

Oh god.

"Oh god," I whispered, "she's gonna tell everyone."

"I know."

-Sierra's pov-

We stood in an uncomfortable silence. Simply waiting for the outcome of Mirabel telling everyone.

It didn't take long for basically the entire Madrigal family to bolt into the dining room. Bombarding us with questions.

Pepa was the first to reach me, cupping my cheeks with her hands, "I knew you two were so in love!" Then, "I can already hear the wedding bells!"

She continued to smother me with hugs and her congratulations.

It's not like we're getting married...

Nevertheless, I enjoyed Pepa's acceptance. She was a kind-hearted woman, who only wished the best for her family.

Next was Felix, smoothly nudging Pepa aside, "he secretly tells me about how much he adores you!"

"Papa!" Camilo shouted from the opposite side of the bundle of family members, yelling to his Papa from embarrassment.

Felix chuckled before putting a hand up and whispering, "he's just nervous, Pepa's already spoken to him about wedding plans."

After hearing that, my eyes widened and my face flushed, my cheeks burning up. Camilo seemed to notice because he shouted again, "PAPA! What are you telling her!?"

"Nothing she doesn't wanna hear," I heard Isa's voice giggling through the many questions.

"Can you guys stop crowding us!? You didn't do this to Dolores and Mariano!" Camilo yelled.

"Hijo, that's because Dolores wasn't embarrassed to have a mature conversation with her Mama!" Pepa shouted back.

I called hear him grumble, continuing to answer whatever questions were being thrown at him. It was a little overwhelming, but I would have to get used to it if I was going to have a relationship with Camilo Madrigal.

So I was more than okay to respond to the familia.

Eventually it calmed down, I assumed they were just running out of things to ask. Surprisingly enough, it was now 5pm, so we'd been answering things for about an hour.

"Okay, okay. I think that's enough interrogating us for one day. Do you mind?" The group parted after Camilo said that, so we could both get out. Camilo snatched me by the wrist, and dragged me upstairs. Presumably trying to hurry before they got more ideas.

Camilo let go of me to close his bedroom door after us, while I continued to place myself on the edge of his bed.

Milo sighed, "I'm so sorry about that mi vida, they're a bit much. Which I'm sure you've figured out by now." I giggled, they were a bit much. But I admired that aspect, it meant they had life, they could never get boring. At least it's not too little.

"It's alright, I think its sweet they care." Camilo beamed a smile, making his way over to the bed.
He pushed me back on his sheets, continuing to crawl on top of me. My snicker was muffled by his lips smashing against mine. I entwined one hand through his large, curly hair. My other hand pulling the back of his neck towards me.

(Meanwhile downstairs)

-Nobody's pov-

"HM!" the entire Madrigal family turned their attention towards Dolores, who seemed a little freaked out.

"HIJA! What's going on!?" Pepa was desperate to find out what Camilo and Valerie were up to, without actually intruding.

Dolores' eyes vastly broadened (like the prolonged eye contact scene from the movie). Without another word she raced off to her bedroom.

Which was a mistake, as Pepa was extremely impatient.

(Back upstairs)

-Still nobody's pov-

Camilo swiped his tongue across Valerie's bottom lip. Requesting entrance.

Valerie immediately approved, Camilo wasted little time, diving between her lips. The more he got a taste of, the more he desired her.

He pulled away for a moment, both of them gasping for air. Still ontop of Valerie, they sat upright, Camilo attempting to pull his ruana then his shirt off. He did it in such a rush it was difficult, so Valerie assisted him, leaving his top half bare.

Camilo pushed her back, so she was lying on her back once again. This time he pinned both her wrists back, arms extended over her head.

He wanted to be in control.

He dove back in, playing with her hair as he did so. Their kiss was tender, passionate.

And Camilo couldn't get enough of it.

-Camilo's pov-


I shrieked when my bedroom door swung open, Mama had her arm outstretched, indicating she had pushed it open.
With a little too much force.

I clambered off of Valerie, tripping over as I did so.

"M-Mama!" I shouted to my Mama, who was wide eyed in the doorway.

"S-sorry! I was just a little curious... uh, remember to use protection!" She smiled sheepishly at us, before I yelled at her again.

"MAMA! CASITA GET HER OUT OF HERE!" I was heavily embarrassed. From my mother walking in on us, and having Valerie watch me interact with my parent like this.

Casita willingly obeyed, the tiles turned into a conveyer belt, sliding her away. It then closed to the door, I heard it lock.

"Heh, that was embarrassing..." Valerie giggled a little.

"No, that was humiliating. I'm so sorry about Mama... interrupting... us." I sat down next to her, sighing in the process. "Ugh... whatever. Doesn't matter, dinners soon anyway." Despite what I said, it did matter to me. I was exceedingly dissapointed.

Why did my family always have to get in the way?

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now