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When Sierra got back to Isa's room, she decided to take Isabela's advice. To clear her mind before sleeping, so it was easier. So she tried to do exactly that. But she couldn't get the shapeshifter out of her head.

Speaking of heads, she felt something on her forehead.

She tried to scratch her forehead, but in the way there was some thing scaly. Like an animal? She opened her eyes but couldn't really tell what it was. She grabbed at it, picking it up. She held it in front of her eyes, hoping to see what it was in that dark room.

Suddenly she heard repetitive knocking on the door. She ran over to open it up, before her 'guest' ran in the room, almost running her over.


-Sierra's pov-

"Oh thank youuu!!!!" The small buy hugged my legs in an adorable embrace.

"You found Camilo's chameleon! I had to babysit him for Camilo but I lost him... but you've got him!"

"Huh?" It took me a moment to remember I had a mini reptile in my hand.
It was a chameleon?


Camilo had a pet chameleon?

And I'm only just figuring this out now?

"Why does he have a chameleon?"

"I think he just came with the room," Antonio shrugged, before taking the chameleon off my hands.

The kid was cute but sometimes I just questioned him. Eventually I did manage to fall asleep...

-Isabela's pov-

I awoke to Mirabel bursting in the room, "wake up sleepyheads! We've got some chores today!"

"Like every other day..." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Morning Isa," I noticed Val still on my bed. I returned the gesture and hopped off my bed, Val doing the same.

But just as Val was leaving the room an idea popped into my head, "hold on Val,"

"Hmm?" She questioned, turning back at me.

"I have this gorgeous dress that I think would look stunning on you!"

"Oo, let's see it then."

I ran over to my dresser, pulling out baby blue dress, reaching knee length. The skirt part (don't know what you would call it) had large white daisy's patterned. While I stood there admiring it, she smiled at me, "what do you think?"

"What do I think? I think that dress is so simple, yet the most adorable everyday dress I have ever laid eyes on."

"I'm sure that's an exaggeration, but it is one of my favourites," I smiled at her description. "What are you waiting for? Go try it on!"

She took it off my hands and rushed over to my bathroom. I quickly got changed before she left so we could go to breakfast at the same time.

"You look so adorable!" I gushed, continuing to throw compliments at her.
It really was one of the simplest dresses I owned. But it complemented her well.

"WAIT! It needs one more thing..." I grew a small daisy in her hair. Before smiling.

"Shall we head down now then?" I grinned at her.

"We shall." She grinned back as I led the way downstairs.

-Sierra's pov-

All morning the only thing I had set my mind on was the mission. I had to meet up with my Mama at the border of town. I could imagine the angry, disappointed look that would eventually be on her face. It's not like I haven't seen her look at me like that before. But I knew she would probably hit me harder than usual, knowing I hadn't even gotten near the candle yet.

I'd already promised to help Mirabel today, so it's not like I had any time to do that today. So I guess that only thing I could do was brace myself for the worst. And also keeping a spare arepa on me.

During breakfast, I'd earned a couple compliments from the Madrigals.
After it was over, Mirabel and I went into town after cleaning up the table.

"Ya know, I don't have any chores today, so I was figuring we could just hang out and get to know eachother!" She told me. I smiled politely, "sure."

She dragged me over to sit in the shade under a large tree, not far from casita.

"Has anyone told you about when casita fell apart and everybody lost their magic yet?"

"No, but that sounds interesting, please fill me in on it."

"Ok, so basically it all started when..."

I zoned out, pretending I was still listening. I wanted to hear about it, I really did. But my mind couldn't help but wander off to tonight. Maybe Mama would have to send my brother in too. I dreaded that horrid scenario. I wouldn't say we got along but I wouldn't say we didn't either.
I never really got to know him, we've always just been competing over who could impress our parents more. It was more of a survival instinct rather than hatred exactly.

Maybe one day, when we stop living with our parents I could hang out with him more?

Our only real relation was that we just shared parents and lived under the same roof.
I sighed before returning my attention to Mirabel.

"...Anyways that's how it all went down. But other than that, how are you and a certain primo of mine~?" She smirked at me, I had a quick mind blank before realising Camilo was her primo.

"Oh Camilo? No, he's just been nothing but nice to me since I got here. It's not like that." I assured her. She obviously didn't believe me because she raised her eyebrows at my statement.

"Oh really? Then why do you sleep in his room? And why are you super close to him?"

"Well for your information, I sleep over with Isa sometimes. And you'd consider me and him 'close' because he's just really easy to get along with." I reassured her.

The rest of the day just went like that, back and forth until she got tired and finally changed the subject.

Everyone ate dinner, and as I walked up to Camilo's room with him, I remembered about the meeting.

The meeting.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now