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"Uhh, I found Antonio," Mirabel awkwardly shuffled her feet.

"Oh, heh, sorry. I got a bit distracted." I giggled, pulling away from Camilo.

"I can tell... oh and there was some letter for you."

I pointed at my chest making sure she was referring to me, "me?"

"Mhmm, I uh, left it on the dining table for you."

"I'll go check it out I guess..."

Why would there be a letter for me?

I pondered about it while picking it up. I ripped open the envelope, curiously unfolding the paper inside.


Don't think you can get away that easily, especially not with our candle.

It wasn't signed, but it didn't need to be. I already knew who wrote it.

I can't believe they have the audacity to say that.

I wasn't exactly surprised, it had to happen sooner or later. My parents were bound to be more than furious. I was just trying my best to avoid thinking about it. Worry hadn't crossed my mind, I had a house full of gifts to protect me. I already knew that.

Now, for when they'll show up and what they will do? That will remain a mystery until then.

I'll just have to keep my guard up.

"Preciosa? What is it?" Camilo interrupted my thoughts, stepping infront of me.

I didn't say anything, holding the letter up for him to read. He looked startled, alarm struck his face.

"Who sent you this?"

Isn't it obvious?

"My family, well, most likely my Mother. She's basically the head of house. Like Alma."

"I'm not letting them get anywhere near you, from now on I will always be by your side," I assumed he was playing around at first, but his face said otherwise. He had that, stance. Where his back straightened, his chest puffed out, his muscles tensed.

"Even when I shower?" I smirked, his face flushed, his posture once again drooping to hide his embarrassed face.


"I mean, if you want to?" I teased him, joking of course. I laughed when he shot me an annoyed look.

"Hey lovebirds, help set the table," Isa raised her voice at us, making her way to the kitchen.

As if planned, me and Milo rolled our eyes simultaneously. Giggling when we realised.

"You're both older than me yet you still manage to act like children," Mirabel told us.

"Pfft, says you," Camilo scoffed. The two began arguing more, he was mocking her by shapshifting as her.

Abuela eventually broke it up, telling everyone to take a seat.

I pulled out a chair next to Isabela and Julieta, but was immediately dragged to the opposite side of the table by yours truly.

"What did I say about not leaving your side?" He seemed slightly annoyed at me.

"I didn't think you meant it," I grunted while sitting next to him.

"I certainly did."

I scoffed before digging into my meal, might as well just put up with him.

It's not like I didn't want to spend all day with him, everyday. But knowing the type of boyfriend he was, he was most likely not just going to hang around playfully.

The best boyfriends can be the worst.

In the end, I suppose I'm just glad he cares so much.

(After dinnerrrrrr)

"I'm going to go borrow some pajamas from Isa, hers are usually the most comfortable," I informed Camilo as I began closing the bedroom door behind me.

"I'm coming!" He morphed into a child while sliding through the slight crack in the doorway.

"Really? It's only on the other side of-" He shoved his lips into mine, then pulled away.

"It's the only way you'll shut up."

I scoffed at him, pacing around him to get to Mirabel's room.

"Oi, wait up!"

(Back in his room)

"What are you doing?"

"Getting changed?" I raised an eyebrow at Camilo while I went in the bathroom to dress


Simply to annoy him, I sat around for a bit after I was already done.

"Why are you taking forever?" Camilo called into the bathroom.

I giggled under my breath, if he's going to be my bodyguard then I might as well throw some mind games in.

"Sia!" His voice turned into unnecessary worry, knocking on the door.

"Answer or I'm coming in."

I smiled at the door, still cross legged on the ground. He lived up to his words, the door bursting open seconds later.

He saw me calmly on the ground, before his eyes began watering as he sat down with me.


"I'm sorry mi vida... I'm too much. It's just really scary to think about what could happen, if I..." he began sniffling while he wept into my shoulder.

"If I couldn't protect you."

I winced when he told me, his voice held distress, angst. Heartache.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere..." I traced my finger on his back soothingly, calming him down.

When his whimpers began to conclude, I whispered, "let's get to bed now amor."

I stood up, holding a hand out signifying him to take it. He nodded in appreciation before whisking me up in his arms to carry me to the bed.

He gently lay me down, continuing to climb under the quilt after me.

-Camilo's pov-

I tucked both of us in, it was a chilly night so I spooned her for extra warmth.

Not that I wouldn't have done that anyways.

I felt she was safe, with me. At least I hoped she was. Sierra meant everything to me, I don't know what I would do if she... if she...

I shook my head slightly, throwing away those thoughts.

She's here now and that's all I have to worry about.

I grinned, digging my face into her messy hair.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now