At Home

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I made up my mind.

I had to get the miracle back to Encanto, and I had to be careful about it.
I figured there wasn't much use in showing my face, maybe for a quick apology. But they wouldn't forgive me, so I'd have to leave right after.

If I returned to my parents afterwards, they would...

I don't even want to think about it.

(Skip to midnight)

It was time to initiate my plan.
I crept out my room, I was fully aware of the only three tiles that creeked. So I avoided those.

They kept the candle in their bedroom.


Of course they did.

I took care in opening their bedroom door. I have broken into people's houses successfully before, without their notice. I silently crossed to the other side of their room, man this is a lot of pressure.

I kept an eye on the sleeping pair, they were silent sleepers. I couldn't even hear their breathing, unlike my own. This was by far the most stressful robbery I've ever performed.

I snatched the candle, then making my way out their bedroom with the same tactic. The door only made a soft click sound as I closed it, it wasn't nearly loud enough to wake them though.

When I got downstairs, I froze in my tracks. My brother was leaning on the kitchen counter, his elbows propped against it. So his face was resting in his hands.

He raised an eyebrow, noticing the candle in my very clammy palms. He didn't say a word, passing me to go back upstairs.

I watched him with wide eyes.

Please don't get them, please don't get them, please don't get them!

Luckily, and surprisingly enough, he turned for the direction of his bedroom. I was stunned he didn't rat me out, we've always had an unspoken rivalry. Fighting for the attention of our parents.

I mentally thanked him, before leaving the house. I grabbed Papa's horse, the same one I'd ridden when leaving Encanto.

I carefully packed the candle into his side satchel, before climbing up on him myself. Fortunately, this specific horse had taken a liking to me over the years.


(Sierra reached encanto)

It was a decent journey, maybe half an hour, I didn't pay attention. All that mattered was, I had made it. I swiftly slid off the back of the horse. Then whipped out an apple I'd stuffed into my pocket earlier, holding it up to the horse. I waited for him to finish, before leading him over to a nearby tree.

After I'd tied his lead to the wood, I sighed. I guess this is it. I dug my hand into his satchel, taking out the candle.

-Isabela's pov-

I'd barely been able to get a couple hours of sleep in over the last two weeks. I couldn't even imagine what Camilo was going through. His novia had crushed him, abandoning him and stealing our miracle. Speaking of miracle, I couldn't get used to going without my powers. I was always randomly waving my hands around, expecting some sort of flower or vines to grow.


Not to mention our rooms. The once golden doors were now basic wood, you could barely make out the faint carvings anymore. The insides of our rooms were now, bare. They were all now identical, bed, desk, dresser, mirror, the expected.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now