The Date

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Eventually me and Valerie concluded I just show up in my usual clothing. But with a flower gift obviously.

"I would tell you to go grab a flower from Isa, but she's pretty worn out after today. So, pick a random flower while you head over to her place, she'll appreciate it. Trust me." I did trust her. Truly.

If it was a life or death situation I would trust her.

With my life.

(Skip to him leaving the house)

I said my thanks and goodbyes to Val before leaving casita. Immediately looking around for some pretty flower.


I ran over to a yellow carnation, I thought it stood out so I chose that as my gift.

I plucked it out of the ground, now extremely frightened.

She likes me...

What could go wrong?

I eventually made my way to her house, I had a good idea of which one it was, she told me yesterday.

I btushed my hand through my hair, before exhaling. Then knocking against the door. Lucinda opened it up.

Phew, at least I don't have to meet her parents.

She smiled at me, she looked nice, well dressed. She wore a knee length yellow skirt, it was off the shoulder, with orange designs on it for detail. Her hair was done up in a bun, a few strands of wavy hair left out to frame her face, also falling from her bun. It seemed like it was on purpose though. She stood in elegant heels, they weren't too high though, I thought they looked cute. Clearly she was dressed for the occasion.

She giggled nervously when I handed her a flower, a genuine grin stuck on my face. Her smile sort of, faded, once she saw the flower, hesitantly taking it out of my hand. She seemed, dissapointed?

I almost started to sweat out of worry.

Does she not like it!?

"Ahem, do you like it?" I nervously poked the question at her.

"Uh, yes. Yes it's wonderful, thank you." She quickly grew a smile back on her face.

"One second, I'll have to go put this in a glass." She told me, rushing back inside her house. She came out a minute later, "there, now, uh... what would you like to do?"

"Actually, I was thinking I take you somewhere I think you'll find rather special." I smiled at her, before extending my arm out, for her to take my hand.
She took it, the second she did I started to drag her off to the woods nearby town.

Neither of us spoke until we reached the place. I brought her to a lake, surrounded by trees, tall grass, and fireflies. It was a stunning sight to behold. The leaves and grass swaying back and forth from the barely noticeable breeze. Fireflies glowing, they looked like mini stars floating around. The water itself shown under the full moon. I hadn't lied to her, this was a special place.

But it wasn't my favourite, that was reserved for the girl I fell in love with. I'd known that fact from the moment I laid eyes on it, I haven't taken a girl there yet.

This lake would just have to substitute for Lucinda. I turned back to watch her reaction, her hand still in encased under mine. Her eyes were wide as she took in the wondrous place before her.
She gaped in awe, I remembered feeling like that when I saw it.

I don't think anyone else has ever found this place other than me, even Mirabel was shocked when I showed it to her. And Mirabel was what I would call an 'explorer'.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now