I'm Listening

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-Mateo's pov-

"You don't know how hard it's been for him," Dolores whispered. I'd only heard her name mentioned briefly once before, and her voice is distinct so I knew it was her.

"I was supposed to marry my fiance next month, but after everything, we had to call it off."

I'm stuck in a coma, I can't control my own body anymore. It feels like it's not even mine.

It's almost as if I'm a journal, an unresponsive object used to pour all your feelings onto. I'm just glad someone's filling me in on the situation.

"He understands though, he would wait until the sun burns out for me. I know Camilo would've done that for Sierra, I know he wishes he died in her place."

It pained me that I had to hear about the trauma he experienced, appearently he saw it go down.

I wish I was there to say goodbye, but no. I was, unconscious. Credits to my father.

It's driving me insane, I can't shut off sound, I'm forced to listen to everything. I wish this horrid coma was just like sleeping.

I'm not sure if this is part of it, but I've had this weird, warm, tingling sensation in my hands and heart. Sometimes it burns, but in a good way. The feeling, well, it granted some hope for my future.

I'm not sure why, but it gives me hope for Sierra as well.

(8 months later)

-Dolores' pov-

It was a day like any other, well, the ones for the past year. It's been the exact same, everyone is mourning the death of Sierra.

I was about to leave the guest room for the start of my day, when a loud gasp erupted in my ears. My gaze shifted and to Mateo, my eyes met his, his wide eyed focus.

I stared in disbelief, he had awoken after his year long coma. But that's not not why I was staring.

I was staring because his whole body was emanating a golden glow.

Some would say it was blinding, I would describe it as rather dazzling, in a daunting manner.

His eyes were truly white, meanwhile his velvety, pure ebony hair was floating around. As if it were submerged in water?

The eye-straining light seemed to grow brighter, illuminating the room. I was forced to slam my eyelids closed as I feared I would lose my ability to see.

I screamed as I felt my skin heat up, and not in the good way. It felt like I was melting away.

The scorching feeling ceased as the light flashed to a sudden stop.

My eyes fluttered open once more, carefully taking in my surroundings. It was still the guest room, I wasn't boiling with heat anymore.

The new air hit me in the face, the same cool air from earlier back in place.

It was like that never happened.


My attention was diverted to Mateo screaming from the bed.



"Mateo that's not... that's not possible," I sighed, "Sierra's dead."
I though the news would frighten him, but to my surprise he replied with the furthest thing from what I'd expected.

"I know! I heard you. We have to go help her, I swear she's alive!"

"She can't-"


I didn't have a choice in the matter, if I refused then he would still do it himself.

I nodded while opening the door for the both of us, he sprinted out the room while dragging me along by the wrist.


His grip was practically cutting off my blood circulation. I didn't mention it though, just scrambling my feet along while trying to keep up.

He darted to the river through the forest, surprisingly enough he knew exactly where she'd been buried.

I didn't put much thought into it, I might've mentioned the burying a while back.

I watched as he dropped down on his knees, beginning to frantically scrape the dirt away with nothing but his nails.

"Well!? ARE YOU HELPING!?" He shouted at me, his focus remaining on the ground.

I obediently copied after him, scraping at the dirt.

After around two minutes, I sighed,"I'm getting a shovel, our bare hands aren't getting us anywhere."

"Fine then, hurry please."

-Sierra's pov-

It was like waking up from a nightmare, except I awoke in a pitch black, confined space. Not to mention the lack of oxygen.

I felt my lungs struggle for a source of air, my breaths hastening immediately.

My first instinct was to scream, but I put that thought to a halt, I couldn't waste a precious breath.

Instead I slammed my fists into the wooden encasing above me, at least the rest of this box is soft.

I repeatedly tried to break whatever cage I was trapped in. I gave up as I felt myself growing unconscious.

Well, about to.

When I felt my vision blurring up, a screen of natural skylight popped out of nowhere. I felt arms pull me out and tip me on the grass.

I rubbed my eyes back awake, I felt memories return to me.

I should be dead.

I don't feel dead.

Am I?

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now