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-Sierra's pov-

I woke up in Camilo's bed. As I expected, but what I didn't exactly expect was to find myself resting my head on his chest! One of his arms wrapped around me, the other holding my hand on his torso.

Obviously I was surprised to say the least, I was in no position to have any intimate relationships with any guy, or girl.
I squirmed, trying to wiggle myself out of his arms. But that just made him tighten his hold around me even more.

So I tried again.

And again.

"Morning hermosa."

I heard his voice chuckle at my poor attempts to escape his grasp. Well this was humiliating.
"You know, it's a bit early. We should sleep in a little longer. Don't you think?" He asked me.
I mumbled under my breath, too embarrassed to reply, "What was that?" He asked. I could practically hear him grinning mischeviously at me.
"I said, fine."
It was more of a grumble on my behalf. "You're adorable."
I think he was talking to himself because I could just barely hear him say it. Feeling my face turn even more red then it already was, I playfully hit him on his chest.

"Well that was uncalled for!"

"Oh I think you called for it!" I laughed at him, looking up at his annoyed face.
"Oh you're asking for it now," he told me.

"Oh-" I couldn't finish before he tackled me, hitting me with a pillow.

We both got up from his bed and started supplying our arms with as many pillows as possible. I threw the first one. But before the pillow actually reached him he transformed into a child and dived under the bed.

-Camilo's pov-

I saw a pillow being thrown straight into my face, my immediate reaction was to shift into a small 6 year old kid and hide under the bed. I quietly sped-crawled over and grabbed her ankle from under the bed. I heard her scream in terror before she reached down and yanked me out.

We ended up running around the spacious room for a while, giggling, screaming, getting hit in the face. By the end of the hour we were both exhausted when we toppled onto my bed.

"That was fun!" I told her, while also panting. I appreciated getting to have a friendly girl like her stay with me.

"It was, wasn't it? I totally beat you up!" She laughed, continuing go boast on and on about how many times she hit me with a pillow.

I zoned out a little. Not listening to her words, but more her voice, her enthusiasm. Her laugh was precious, her smile was contagious, her eagerness enough to brighten up the sun itself. The girl had more passion than Luisa could ever carry.

She was, amazing.

She was, beautiful.

She was, perfect.

She was all I'd ever wanted.

I sat up and turned around to lean directly over her, my face opposite to hers. I smiled. She giggled back.

We stared at each other's eyes for a while. Or, stared in each other's eyes for a while. I admired her soft, warm Brown eyes. On the outside they were welcoming, inspiring. But as I looked deeper into them I could see pain, hardships, abuse. Sadness. My mama told me one can know a lot about someone just by looking at their eyes. I've always believed her.

What's there not to believe?

-Sierra's pov-

I gazed at up at him. His face barely a couple inches from mine.

I didn't realise he had freckles?

I thought to myself as I attempted to count how many there were.

I counted a total of 60 freckles.

Then I remembered my mission. The whole reason I was here. I was clearly getting too close to him for comfort. Literally, I could feel his breath on my face.

But what's the harm in playing around with someone for a bit? I could do it, without the feelings. Just, pretend. It can't be that hard. Before I could get even more caught up in his gaze, I coughed and said I needed a new change of clothes.

"O-oh right. Heh..." he nervously said, we both sat up. We sheepishly smiled at each other awkwardly before he got up and asked me if I wanted to go meet Mirabel as well.

"She's usually up by now."
I told him that it would be delightful to meet his family members more formally.

We both left his room, casually walking over to visit Mirabel. I almost ran into him when we stopped in front of a wooden, blue door. I just assumed her rooms were one of the glowy doors slightly further down the hall.

"Huh? Is this her room?"

"Oh yeah, she didn't get a gift."

"Well that's, really unfortunate. If feel horrible if I were her!"

"I suppose, but it's been ten years since her gift ceremony, so I think she's sort of accepted it by now."

"Well it never hurts to ask." A sort of concerned expression on my face. I really did feel bad for this girl.
Camilo opened her door then we both continued to enter her bedroom.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now