Breaking The News

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-Camilo's pov-

I tried to go about my day as usual, and like I thought, townsfolk didn't suspect a thing. I got through all my chores with an eager smile glued on, at all times.

I thought smiling all the time would at least make me feel better even the slightest amount.

I was utterly wrong.

I didn't feel better at all.

Lucinda had even attempted to kiss me. Which I obviously wasn't up for.


I was just minding my own business, when a blonde, blue eyed girl came running up to me. She wrapped her hands in my hair and tried to pull me in for a kiss.

I gently shoved her off though.
"I-... look Lucinda. I'm sorry but I do not see you like that. At all. And I apologise deeply, if I lead you to believe that. I'm genuinely mad at myself for doing that to you. I know you're wonderful, a spectacular girl. Any guy you end up with would be extremely lucky to have you."

"Yeah? But I want that guy to be you..."

She is not getting my point.

I pushed away my annoyed thoughts, I had to be patient with her.

"Nope. I'm not the one for you. Again, I would be delighted to make it up to you for leading you on."

"So... so you never liked me. At all."

"Lucinda. At first I found you to be awesome. You're sweet, funny, generous."

"What... what changed your mind...?"

"I'm not going to answer that, because it's not exactly my place to say. But I do think you know the answer to that."

I was talking about her friends, and I honestly did think she knew it too.

"C-Camilo... please just give me another chance? I'll change I promise! I've actually been trying to get away from my friends for a while..."

Oh god.

"No, Lucinda. I fully encourage you to do whatever you think is best, but definitely don't do it for a guy who doesn't even love you. Like I said, you were sweet at the start, but we don't even have anything in common. It's not going to work out between us, no matter how much you try to change."


I'd done it.

I finally told her.

I felt bad, I wasn't exactly aiming to break her heart. I really did mean it when I mentioned her future love would be lucky to have her.

I was relieved when I finished talking, but clearly she was still indifferent. Because she burst into a teary mess and started sprinting off to her house.

Oh no.

Somethings wrong with me.

I've caused two girls to cry in the timespan of two days.

My life is a mess.

*end of flashback*

Now that I'd finally made it back to the comfort of my own room, I was free to just rip that itchy mask right off my face.
(If you don't get it I was referring to his fake smile as a mask, not that clever I know)

I plopped down on my bed, sprawling my limbs out like a starfish. Just as I got comfortable, there were a couple soft knocks on my door. Barely audible.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now