A Cry For Help

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I started running down the hill, crying as much as I could along the way. I was panting horribly by the time I reached the large, colourful house I assumed to be the Madrigal family home.

I continuously knocked desperately, letting out tired, soft cries for help. All with tears streaming down my face. Trying to make it as realistic as possible. By the time the door opened up, I couldn't catch their face as I pretended to pass out.

-Camilo's pov-

While sweeping the upstairs floors, in a peaceful atmosphere, loud banging on the front doors caught my attention. Propping the broom against the railing I rushed down the stairs, I could tell whoever it was seemed desperate, and rather impatient.

I pulled the doors open to find a worn out girl passing out. Tears rolling down her face and neck. Bruises and scars scattered all over her body. Her hair was an absolute mess, not to mention her dress.

My eyes widening, I almost screamed in shock at the sight of a teenage girl passing out at my feet. Without hesitation I pulled her up into my arms, bridal style, and carried her up to my bedroom. I laid her down on my bed, as softly and quickly as I possibly could. I knew one thing and one thing only.

I had to find Tia Julieta.

-Nobody's pov-

A scared Camilo hurried to the town, transforming into the fastest person he could think of along the way. This was a truly traumatizing situation for a fifteen year old to be facing.

There she was.

"TIA! TIA!" He could be heard from the other side of the town, his voice cracking as he screamed.
'Sorry Dolores...' he thought to himself.

Julieta turned her head up at a crying Camilo, physically exhausted it seemed.
"Milo?" She softly asked, her soothing voice attempting to comfort her nephew.

"I, *pant* really..." he paused to take a couple breaths, "need you to, *pant* follow me." Gasping for air as he finished.

Julieta could tell he wasn't playing around, so she wasted no time in asking a nearby Isabela to take over the food stand, and chasing after Camilo.

(Can't be bothered to do the whole entering the house thing so just skip to inside his room)

Julieta closed the door behind her, turning around to see... A girl. Resting on Camilo's bed.
"Who is this?" Curiosity got the best of her walking over to see her body covered in so many horrible sores.

"I don't know, she just showed up at the front door and passed out," Camilo didn't know what to think, for one this is not an ordinary situation. At least not in this town.

-Sierra's pov-

"Stay here, I'll bring up some food for her." I could hear two different voices from behind my closed eyelids. A woman and a boy. I was still a little confused at the mention of food over a med kit, but then remembered of the family members Mama told me about. That must be Julieta, the one who can heal people with food. That didn't seem like such a cruel power when I thought about it? My mama would tell me about all the horrible things the Madrigals have done, what terrible people they were. But my opinions weren't asked for in my household. I was told to keep them to myself. So I didn't see why it should be any different here.

My thoughts were interrupted by a soft thumb rubbing circles on my forehead. I pretended to wake up, "...huh..?" I whispered, half closed eyelids. My head still resting on the smooth pillow.

"Eat this dear." Julieta told me, bring an arepa up to my face. I held on to it with one hand and took a weak bite out of it. HOLY, that was by far the BEST arepa I had EVER taken a bite out of. Like, EVER. My eyes widened at the mouth melting flavour that I had just tasted. It felt like my tastebuds were in food heaven.

I lifted my upper body up into a sitting position while continuing to gobble on the food. I was too busy eating to notice the numerous sores on my body disappearing.

I heard the boy chuckle slightly at my reaction, making me remembered there were two other people in the room with me.

"So, who are you?"

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now