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(Soo, this chapter is kinda weird, but I promise it relates to the story. There's a lot going on so it might get confusing. So just be prepared 👌🏽)

"Well!?" My thoughts were interrupted by Isabela, "what are you waiting for!? Go get her!"

I didn't hesitate another moment, and dashed over to the markets.

As I ran, I felt clouds start spitting down. By the second it worsened into heavy rain. The sky darkened, clouds rolling in from nowhere. Townspeople started to disperse, seeking shelter in their houses.

Mami must be in a bad mood.

My button up was now blood-stained and drenched, not to mention see through. The cloth stuck to my skin, which bothered me to a certain degree.

I was searching around, before I heard an ear splitting scream.

It was Sierra.

I frantically viewed the scene, spinning around in hopes of seeing her. I felt my breaths hasten, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let anything happen to her.

"SIERRA!!" I desperately cried out for her, my voice cracking as I did so.

Please be okay!

My brain started spinning as I considered all possibilities.

"SIA!" I tried again, I wasn't giving up no matter how sore my throat got.


I took special note of where the sound was coming from, the sound of her voice. I began sprinting down an alleyway, water managed to get in my eyes. It stung, blurring my vision. I tried my best to ignore it, pacing around a corner desperately.

I saw her on the ground.

I saw her on the ground, covered in blood.

There was a knife lodged deep into her arm, scarlet red liquid flowing out.

There was no sign of an attacker, they must have ran off.

I ran over, while sliding to sit on my knees. Which grazed them on the concrete ground, badly.

I ignored the pain, I had bigger problems to deal with.

"I-It *sniffle* it hurts..." she managed a couple words, just barely hanging onto consciousness.

"Shh... I know, it's okay..." I carefully whiskered her up in my arms, attempting not to pain her arm in any way.

Where's Tía when you need her...

"Dolores! Please help," I needed any form of assistance I could get, I was only a teenager.

I took the wounded Sierra into the markets, laying her down on a stall. The shopkeepers had already left, it was pouring after all.

Casita was too far for both me and Sia to handle. And using my powers kept me with my usual strength, so that didn't help.

I pulled my shirt over my head, leaving my chest bare. I placed it around her wound, which still had a knife in it.

She hissed at the pain, her teeth grit together.

"Is it that bad?" She winced, I knew she would freak out if she saw how much blood she was losing. So I attempted to distract her.

I kissed her forehead lightly, one hand holding her hair back. I continued to rub her forehead, telling her soothing things like, "it's going to be fine," or, "you'll be alright."

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now