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"...Well technicall-"

"Technically I could give my parents the signal if you don't shut up," he cut me off. I didn't respond to his threat, I was deeply concerned for the outcome if I did.

"Okay, now what's this about you and Sierra?" A stern tone hinted through his words, while also trying to sound as calm as possible.

"She's uh, she's my... novia?" I was scared to say the word, feeling as though he might freak out once more. But instead he sighed, "that's uh... that's fine. I'm glad she had someone to take care of her while she wasn't with us," he pat a hand on my shoulder, "thank you Camilo."

While she wasn't with them?

As if she's going back with him.

Sierra is not going anywhere with them.

She's safe...

Safe with me.

"I would do anything for that girl."

He grinned lightly, almost in an amused way, "even die for her? When you have a whole village to hel-"


I wasn't playing around. I would do anything for Sierra, I would die if it meant she would be happy. I would kill if she simply asked me to. My limits have no end.

"No joke then loverboy, so if you want her safe then you'll help me?"

"What do you need?"

"I need you to kill my parents."


This complete stranger was asking me to commit not one, but two murders.

"No," I wasn't giving in just like that. My mental health would never be the same if blood was on my hands. Not to mention my relationship with Sierra, that would go off the rails if she found out I murdered her parents.

It doesn't matter how despicable they were.

It doesn't matter how desperate I was to bring them to an end.

Theres only own way I'll ever consider it.

Turns out he was thinking the same thing, as he began bolting out of the kitchen.

"Hey! What are you doing!" I chased after him, but he was a lot faster than me. I followed him upstairs, seeing him run into my room scared me.

I heard Sierra's scream, hopefully he only scared her.

As I took a turn through my doorway, I ran headfirst into someone. I had a quick flashback to when I bumped into Maria.

Ugh, this is happening more than usual.

I fell back on the ground, landing harshly on my rear end. A loud grunt escaped my throat as I rubbed my throbbing forehead. My eyes blinked open, revealing my one and only on the ground in front of me. Who was also groaning at her head pain.

I scrambled over to pick her up, "Sorry Mariposa! I wasn't looking where-"

"Milo," She tugged my hands away from her, as she continued to stand up herself.
"My brother is here, and you didn't even wake me up?" She gave me a slightly bothered expression, but not enough to cause another arguement.

"Nows not the time for a lovers quarrel you two, we need a plan. Well, I didn't come for Camilo's help but I guess he can assist," Her brother grunted. Come to think of it, I hadn't even learnt his name?

"Wait, what's your name?"

"Mateo. Alright, let's discuss," he left back down to the dining room, gesturing us to follow.

I looked back at Sierra, confirming she was comfortable. Her face was puzzled, but she shrugged and went along with Mateo.

When we were all down, me and Sierra took seats at the table while Mateo stood behind Abuela's seat.

"Alright. I'll repeat the situation for Sia. Our parents are at the forest, they plan on murdering all the Madrigals while sparing Abuela. Then they'll steal the candle, blah blah. We don't have much time, but just know they think you're dead."

Her eyes shot open at the last sentence.

-Sierra's pov-

"-but just know they think you're dead."


Why would I be dead?

Then I remembered it. My brother had gone out of his way to stab me. At the time I couldn't understand why, but he did it for me. He could've murdered me right then and there, but he spared me.

Mateo spared me.

The reason I hadn't brought up the case was simply because I was too exhausted. I felt no point in screaming, or just being mad.

I truly didn't hold the energy to feel any emotions.

It's not that I hadn't had enough sleep, or that I had ran around too much.

No, it's not because of that.

I'd cried too many tears than I could bear. I've shouted more than my throat could endure.

"Look, if I take too long here than our parents will suspect something. I'm going to need you to warn everyone. Get them safe. And Camilo, you already know what you're doing."

"W-wait no! I'm not doing that!" Camilo jolted up from his seat, his hands slamming on the wooden table.

"You don't have a choice."

What's going on?

"What is he doing?"

Their heads swerved to look at me, both of them looked a little nervous.

"Uh... Milo?"

"He wants me to murder your parents!"

I was startled once more. Mateo wanted Camilo to murder my parents.



The two words just didn't feel like they should be in the same sentence. I realised why Mateo would ask him to.

Mateo couldn't do it because they're his parents. They've all he's known, his whole life. Same goes for me.

But Camilo could do it. Camilo could do it because he's never even met them. The emotional impact would still hit, tragically, just not as scarring.



I know Camilo.


If I asked him to, then, he wouldn't even hesitate.

Does he trust me that much?

"Tell him," Mateo cut my thoughts off.

I knew what I had to do.


If I've already named Mateo in an earlier chapter just ignore that cuz I don't remember it 😅

Anyways this is kind of a weird way to cut this chapter off, I'm not super sure what I'm gonna make Sierra do.

Idk, yall can guess its 50/50 🤷‍♀️

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें