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As I stared into his eyes, that familiar feeling of guilt and self doubt washed over me.

I'm not enough.

I let him down.

Why would he forgive me so easily?

What if I'm not enough?

What if I'm never enough?

He seemed to notice my panic, his eyebrows furrowing just barely out of confusion. Maybe concern? I didn't take much time in reading into it.

"GUYS!" A frantic Mirabel came sprinting up to us. When she reached us she bent over, hands on her knees, panting heavily.

"I *huff* fixed the, *pant* candle!" Her smile remained as wide as ever while she continued to pant.

Me and Milo exchanged glances, eyes wide.

Well this is fantastic news!

"That's awesome Mirabel!" I beamed up at her, before turning back to Camilo.

"Lemme see this..." he immediately started concentrating, shifting into me, Mirabel, Abuela Alma, then a downsized version of Felix? Before turning back into himself.

"Yes! My powers are back!" He looked down at his hands, before expressing a sparkling smile up at Mira.

"How'd you do it!?" I excitedly questioned Mirabel.

"Well... that's the thiinngg... I'm not exactly sure...?"

My grin hastily shot back into a frown. Confusion.

"Huh?" Me and Camilo both said I unison, one eyebrow raised at her.

"So basicallyyy, I kinda just picked up the candle. And I started whispering, 'uGh, please just relight already you annoying piece of-," she noticed our 'really?' faces. So she quickly responded with, "well, something like that. Not the point. Then it just, relit itself? CrAzYy~".
She said crazy with some weird voice, pointing her fingers at her head in a twirly motion.

"Oh, I guess that doesn't really matter. As long as casita is up and running and the Madrigals have their gifts! Except you of course, little Miss CanDlEhOlDeR." She giggled at my choice of name for her, I did too. Camilo had already bounced into motion to do his chores.

Enthusiastic for chores? You learn something new about him everyday...

It wasn't that weird I suppose. I guess you would want to return to your daily life immediately after having it deprived from you.


I just remembered that it's all MY fault.

I still couldn't shake the feeling of guilt, casita was back, my relationship with Camilo was back, what's missing?

"Heyyyy, little Miss Out-of-it. Whatcha thinking about?" She asked, curiously taking a seat next to me.

"Oh, doesn't matter."

"YEAH, yeah it does! It's soooo annoying when I'm talking to you and then you mind starts drifting off elsewhere! You know, telling at least one other person can help lift some weight off your shoulders. Literally in some cases..."


I let out an aggravated sigh.

"It's nothing Mirabel!" That came out a little too aggressively, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell, I just... it's nothing alright?"

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now