Mission: Somewhat Possible

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Papa's aggressive voice never failed to wake me up. I knew how to 'hurry up' and get ready in less than 4 minutes. I'd learnt my lesson from the first time I took a couple minutes longer. That was also when I'd learnt how to treat my own bruises.

Once I was ready, I practically ran down the stairs to begin my daily tasks. I saw my parents seated at the dining table, my older brother serving them dishes. When he was done, he silently made his way past me up to his room to eat, dish in hand.

Our parents treated us like servants, mere slaves. And slaves weren't allowed to eat with their masters.
"Sit," mama ordered, the usual neutral tone with a side of angry. I immediately followed after the order, pulling up a chair at the table. An uncomfortable silence followed with my parents both looking at me. Or in other words, looking down at me.

(U can skip the next paragraph if u want, it's basically just her mama telling y/n to go steal the Madrigal candle)

"Today, you will be sent off to the town of Encanto. You will tell the naive madrigals that you ran away as a refuge from a faraway town. Being the madrigals, they will take you in, while there you will steal their beloved candle, and put. It. Out." She continued, "then you will immediately leave with if, NO GOODBYES." She said, I almost shook at the loud tone, but I was used to it.
"But before you leave, you will MAKE SURE THAT THEIR POWERS ARE GONE. GONE. DESTROYED. NONEXISTENT. And during this ENTIRE process, you are to make sure they NEVER discover who you truly are. We will occasionally visit you at the border of town to check on your progress. You are not to get too close with any of the family members. That is all, you already know why I put you up to this. Now here, change into these, torn clothes." She finished, handing me a dress with rips and burn marks scattered on it.

I gulped at the task, I wasn't sure I was asked to do this, I wanted to ask why my brother couldn't do it. He was older, more talented than me. But I didn't dare find out. Questioning their choices was just me asking to enter the afterlife. I took the pair of clothes without saying a word, and left to go change.

-time skip-

I was here, Encanto. The so called 'horrible' town that my parents always used to complain about. From afar it didn't look so horrible, colourful even. I could see small figures running around, talking, walking. Come to think of it I hadn't actually spoken or seen anyone apart from my family in so many years.

I continued to wonder if they would even believe my horrible story as a refuge. But then again, I had the acting skills, and scars to prove it.

So, let's get this mission rolling.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now