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-Camilo's pov-

I caught a glimpse of Sierra. Her head was drenched in thick, red blood. Her eyes reflected panic, trepidation. Her mother came into view, standing over the defenceless girl.

"NO!" I screamed without realising. Time seemed to pause around me, the only people moving were Sierra and her Mother.

I sprinted over, watching helplessly. 

No no no.

This isn't happening.


Then the woman bludgeoned Sierra with a brick.


She's dead.

She's gone.

I couldn't save her.

An intense feeling of grief erupted in me. The universe froze as I stood, petrified.

The Encanto always held colourful lights at night, brightening the surroundings. But what once felt warm, accepting, was now a bleak and empty town. The heartfelt enthusiasm I'd always had was, well...

It's not there anymore.

I'll never be able to tell her I love her again.

I'll never be able to call her my wife.

I'll never be able to have my kids with her.

So many things I'll miss out on. And it's all because of, that disgraceful hag of a parent.

Without second thought, I dashed over. Tackling her mother to the ground I morphed into Luisa, continuously slamming my fist into her face.

"YOU BITCH! HOW COULD YOU!" I cried out, I didn't even feel a drop of repentance.

She deserves this.

The hatred I had towards this creature was like an active volcano, only now erupting on her. When she finally passed out, or... I think she passed out. I crawled on my bloody fists to Sierra's lifeless body. I cupped her face in my hands, I howled in guilt and despair.

I'd just lost the only girl I'd ever fallen in love with.

I'd just lost my soulmate.

It was selfish, but I screamed at my family members surrounding her.

"GO AWAY! PLEASE! Please..." they jumped at my sudden screams, but willingly backed off.

"S-Sia... Mariposa..." I pushed out her nicknames, they just didn't feel right anymore.
Not anymore...

I ignored the tears blurring up my vision, nothing else mattered anymore. Sierra gave life to me, she brightened up my world. She made me see our home in a way I'd never seen it before.

"I-I'm so sorry, mi amor. I let you down," I whispered through my repeated sniffles.
"Nothing will ever be the same again."

-Mirabel's pov-

(Skip back to fight scene)

I was in my stereotypical fighting stance, to be honest, I wasn't actually the best in the combat department. That's because I've never actually had to be good at that, Encanto was a safe haven. Danger rarely occurred, not to mention the almost non-existent crime record. Well, it would be high if you added Camilo's countless robberies of the pantry.

I swung a fist at a guy standing next to me, he seemed somewhere around Luisa or Dolores' age.

"HEY! I'm on your side!" He shouted in alarm, dodging me.

"Wait, really?" I asked.

"YES! I'm Sierra's brother!"

Huh. I didn't know she had a brother.

I threw the questioning away when a man began attacking us. I didn't exactly have a choice but to trust the so called brother.

The weird man swung a couple punches or kicks at us. He wasn't exactly coordinated which gave us an advantage.

"My names, MAteo!" His voice shook as he ducked under an arm.

"That's cool!" I told him, shooting a short smile.

I think he got distracted when he was kicked in the, uhh... lower area.

He winced before a fist smashed into his face, causing him to get thrown on the floor. He was unconscious.

I grimaced at him, before Isa threw the older man into a wall, I heard glass shattering. Now that my fight was over, I made my way over to the unconscious boy. Or, man? His age was unclear.

Before I could shake him awake, an intense scream sounded from outside. Although it felt like it had come from right next to me, nevertheless I dropped what I was doing.

Sorry, uhh... what's your name? Doesn't matter. I'll get back to you.

I fled with the rest of my family, all of us racing to get through the front doors.

I squished through the bundle of people, I could hear someone crying. Desperate to reveal the identity of them, my glasses almost fell off my face.

I nudged their frame back up my nose, before the sight infront of me coming into focus.


I froze in my place, a meter away from the, body.

Sierra's body.

Before I knew it, I was sobbing, I dug my face into my hermana, Isabela's neck.

I took notice in Camilo's despairful wails, whimpers. My heart broke my my primo. I loved Sia like a sister, but I could never understand the pain he was feeling currently.

Oh, Camilo.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now