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I shivered at his tone. Wait, how did he know my real name? I was almost certain I hadn't put it in the letter. He seemed to read my confused expression because he continued, "you didn't write it."

"I saw you with your mother. A week before..."

I staggered backwards at the mention of my mother. He'd seen me!? He'd known, of course he did. How did I think I could possibly get away with hiding a secret from Camilo Madrigal himself.

"You um... you snuck out, of my bedroom. To go in the forest. She, striked your face. Twice."

Of course he just had to remember the little details.

"I, uh. I... I watched you cry. But I didn't, do anything..."

It was my turn to say something.
"So you just, you just let me steal the miracle!?" I was going to ask, well, demand he tell me why he didn't stop me. Or why he's upset that I did it even though he totally could've interfered.

"Stop turning this around on me! You're still the one who lied to us! To me! You tricked me! I fell in love with you for goodness sake!" He didn't hold back, he slowly walked further towards me. The closer he got, the further I back away.

"You had my entire family believe you'd be my bride! EVEN I THOUGHT THAT I'D MARRY A LIAR LIKE YOU!"

I couldn't say anything back to him, I didn't deserve a say in this so called argument. Mainly because I knew he was right. I knew I would have to eventually abandon him, yet I lead him to believe I'd always be there.

"I'VE NEVER FELT THE WAY YOU MADE ME FEEL WHEN YOU LEFT! I TORTURED MYSELF, I THOUGHT IT WAS MY FAULT! YOU, you..." he tried to continue shouting, but he just couldn't do it. He started to whimper, wobbling in his steps.  He collapsed, falling forwards, I caught him just in time. I lowered us both down, so I was sitting on the floor with his head buried into the crook of my neck. He was crying, and it pained me to see him so hurt.

What made me feel worse was that I knew it was all my fault. I'd scarred him. I let down the only guy who has ever loved me.

I really, let him down.

I sat patiently, holding him close.

Now that I had him in my arms, I would never. Ever let go of him again.

And I'll do whatever it takes to make sure of it.

-Camilo's pov-

I raised my voice, I was now screaming at her. My throat hurt, and my voice was cracking. But I needed to release all that anger that had been bottled up inside of me. I needed this so badly.

There were so many more things I wanted to say to her, to Sierra. But I just couldn't do it any longer.

I was still so furious, that I started to weep. My legs felt unsteady, my eyes shedding tears. I lost my balance, toppling forwards. She caught me, of course she did.

She was just so...


It enraged me.

I tried to force out words, but all I could get out were sad hiccups.

"I love you," she whispered to me, "you don't have to say anything back."


Because I wasn't going to.


Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now