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"Ah yes, Friday! Oh shoot! I forgot to tell you," she turned away, signalling me for to come in, "on Fridays it's family game night~!!!" She followed with jazz hands.


It's Friday.

I'd planned to steal their miracle today, no matter how much I wanted to refuse theifery. Not that I haven't stolen things before, I've done smaller missions like this. But they were never like this, I've never wanted to deny my mother's requests before.

"Well, its not the entire family, it's just me, Milo, Tonito, Isa, Tio Felix, Papa, Luisa, and sometimes Dolores and Tia Pepa. Dolores is always winning the whisper games, and Tia Pepa starts raining when she loses." She giggled, then whispered the next sentence, "she can be a sore loser, don't tell her I said that."

I nervously laughed, leaving the room with her clothes in hand. I started to sweat profusely, there was a nine hour gap between now and 4pm.

I darted back to Milo's room, panting. Not because I was running, but as I said, I was extremely nervous.

"Mariposa? You okay?"

"MHM. OkIhavetogetchangedsoleaveplease." I shoved him out of his room, forcefully shutting the door in his face.

I dressed into the new change of clothes, I sat down on his bed when I was down. Rubbing the crown of my head, aiming to calm myself down. When I felt I was ready, I stood up and went downstairs.

I was the third last person to arrive at the table, Tonito and Bruno entering in after me. My dish was already waiting for me, credits to Camilo.

Oh, Camilo.

He was certainly the one I would miss the most. Stealing an item he valued deeply would certainly hurt him. I know I wouldn't be able to forgive myself ever. I'd think about it every night for the rest of my life.

I guess last night was my first calming sleep, and would also be my last.

I threw a fake smile on while I took my seat between Camilo and Pepa.

I tried not to look at Camilo too much over the course of breakfast, I knew if he saw my smile he would just see through it

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I tried not to look at Camilo too much over the course of breakfast, I knew if he saw my smile he would just see through it. Then bombard me with 'what's wrong?' and won't drop it until I answered.

Luckily enough, I did make it through the first meal of the day. I didn't bother helping with the table, as every other time I tried Julieta would just refuse.

-Camilo's pov-

I noticed that Valerie was acting strange during the entirety of breakfast. She wouldn't even look at me. It hurt, that the love of my life couldn't even bare to show her face.

I concluded that she didn't really want to talk to me, so I didn't bother catching up to her when she left casita.

I helped Tia Julieta tidy up, before I left for town. When I reached town, still feeling gloomy, I saw Lucinda, appearently weeping to a girl I've never seen before. I didn't think much of it, to be honest I hadn't made the effort to remember the faces of her friends. So it's possible I just couldn't remember.

I shrugged it off, not putting much thought into it. It wasn't long before people noticed my presence and called out for my help.

-Valerie's pov-

Normally I would be doing one hour at the library today. But I couldn't exactly bring myself to. I saw Dom enter the glass doors, I ran off before he noticed me.

Now that I was ignoring basically everything I would usually do, I didn't have much left.
I sat down on a nearby bench, to ponder about what I could to do cure my boredom.

Then, a girl ran up to me.

Oh god.

It was Lucinda.

"YOU!" She screamed, pointing a finger in my direction. The girl looked like she was about to start crying, wait, nevermind. She looked like she had recently stopped crying.

"Um, can I help you?" I wasn't in the mood to deal with her. Then again, I wasn't exactly in the mood to do much at all.

"Luci-" a different girl paced over, gripping Lucinda's arm in an attempt to drag her away.

Lucinda denied her though, yanking her arm away.


"I am."

"YOU MUST THINK YOU'RE SOOOO SPECIAL. CAMILO PROBABLY JUST..." I zoned out while she continued screeching.


-Camilo's pov-

My head snapped up at the nearby mention of my name. I scanned nearby, trying to spot whoever it was. My eyes firmly halted when I found Lucinda yapping off to Valerie. Who, didn't exactly seem to care.

I sped over to them.

I grabbed Lucinda's right arm, the other already being pulled by the girl I saw her with earlier. I rotated Lucinda around forcefully to look at me.


Her face froze when she realised it was me.


"DON'T EVEN TRY TO GET OUT OF THIS." The words kind of just poured out my mouth, I didn't try to stop them though. I wanted to yell.

"Oh my god- THANK YOU! I've been trying to get it through her for AGES." The unamed girl appreciatively thanked me, before pulling away the shocked Lucinda.

When they were both finally out of sight, I looked back to where Valerie had been seated. Just to find a now empty bench.


She really doesn't care.


But then it hit me. Right, in, the, face.

Today was the day, she was going to steal the miracle. Ugh, why didn't I realise it earlier!? It was painfully clear.

I thought about it for a bit. Before sighing and mentally shrugging.

Oh well.

It's not like I'll try and stop her.

Backstabbed - Camilo Madrigal X OCWhere stories live. Discover now